Chapter Six- Star Gazing With A Skeleton

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(Your POV)

You held out your hand for sans to grab.

He seemed hesitant at first, but he still grabbed your hand.

His hand felt a little weird at first, but your shook it off and led him to your stairs.

You giggle as he groans at the sight of stairs.

"C'mon! Hurry they're aren't and clouds in the sky tonight!" You say excited to show him the stars.

You finally managed to get the roof.

Sans sort of awkwardly followed you.

Once you got to your destination you sign bother letting go of Sans' hand.

You stared at Sans, waiting for a reaction.

"w-woah..." He said in awe.

You smiled the biggest smile you could ever smile ever.

He looked at you and smiled the exact same way.

"they're so much brighter then i'd ever imagine!" He says excitedly.

He looked like a little kid that was getting a toy.

You giggle as he started telling you his favorite constellations.

"and i really like 'aquila'." He gushes.

You smirk at him.

"You really like stars, huh?" You ask.

"well of course! who wouldn't be? they're beautiful and they always manage to take my breath away, even in the books." He answered.

Then he looked at you.

"what's your favorite constellation?" He asked.

You made a 'hmm' sound.

"I'd have to go with the 'Little Dipper'." You answered with a bright smile.

Sans gave you a confused look.

"but that one's so average. why is it your favorite?" He asked.

You looked up at the sky and let out a sigh.

"Because... The Little Dipper looks so left out. People manage to acknowledge him, but he still seems invisible. I guess because I relate to him in a way." Your answer looking back down at the skeleton.

"what are you talking about? everyone adores you." Sans says.

You smile.

"But do they see me as an actual friend? I can't remember the last time I had an actual friend." You say, frowning for the first time today.

"heh, i now how that feels..." Sans says looking down.

"Really?" You say bewildered by how he hasn't had any friends.

"yeah, no one really knew me in the underground." He says.

There was a long pause of silence and you almost couldn't handle it.

"Do you wanna be my friend?" You blurt out louder than you meant to.

He looked at you surprised.

"is that how you make friends?" He asked.

"Cut me some slack, it's been a while." You say with an uneasy smile.

He smiled at you.

"sure, i'll be your friend." Sans says, finally answering your question.

Your eyes lit up and you hugged Sans.

"Thank you so much! You won't regret this!" You say happily.

He awkwardly patted you on the back until you let go.

"Oh!" You exclaimed as you pull out the napkin you scribbled on this morning and a pen.

You quickly wrote your number down on it.

"Here." You say while handing him the napkin.

You could hear him laughing over your doodles.

"is that a person?" He asked.

You blush.

"What? No, that's obviously a unicorn." You say while rolling your eyes.

He laughed, and you laughed.

You could already feel the bond being created.

You just hope it would last.

Random Life Lesson:
Be patient. With wait you will receive what you want most.

(I'm running out of compliments, so just take this life lesson)

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