Chapter Seven- Morning Nightmare

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(Your POV)

It was dark. You couldn't see much, but you could see enough.

You saw a figure in the distance. It was short and crouched down looking at something.

It was cold too. So very cold.

Suddenly you saw yellow and orange.

You were in a long corridor.

You could even see the short figure from before.

"Hello my bone-y friend." You could hear yourself say, but it wasn't your voice. It was someone else's... or something else's...

"Let's get this over with." You hear him groan.

You hear a giggle come out of your body.

"You know the drill." He said.

Things went dark and there was a heart in front of you.

It was cracked and overflowing with determination.

It does on the floor.

Bones shoot out of the ground and you easily dodge it with the help of someone else.

Your body lurched forward and sliced at the person.

They dodged just as you did.

You were so surprised that you didn't see his next attack coming at you.

You didn't have time to dodge it and it hit you.

Your HP went to 0 and you died.

"if you're really my friend
you won't come back..."


You woke up sweating in your bed.

You glanced at your clock.


You got up, your legs wobbly.

You quickly got dressed for work.

You were so tired, and you even went to sleep at a decent hour last night.

You probably look miserable.

You sighed as you left for work.

Your landlord caught sight of you.

"Good mornin-- oh jeez what happened to you?" She asked.

You smiled weakly.

"Good morning. I just went to sleep late." You say.

She nodded and you left.

Once you got to your shop you could already see someone waiting there.

It was Toriel.

You ran the rest of the way to your coffee shop.

"*pant* Miss Tori! *pant* Welcome!" You say as happily as you could.

You quickly unlocked your door as she greeted you back.

"Were you waiting long?" You asked.

"No more than 5 minutes." She answered.

"Sorry, I went to sleep late-r than I usually do." You say.

"Do not apologize, dear child, I just came early." She says with a smile you would you be wearing right now.

Instead you were wearing a stressed look.

"Sorry..." You say again as you ran around your counter and to your coffee machine.

"Would you like your usual?" You ask.

"Yes please." She says.

You quickly make it as fast as you could.

You have it to her, along with her cookie.

"Have a good day!" She tells you.

"You too." You say.

And she left.

You leaned on your hand and started to drift into a nap.

And honestly you didn't think you could help it...

Random Life Lesson:
If you let go of something that means your moving forward. Don't dwell on the past.

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