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Thank you guys soooo much for reading this book and perhaps even adding it to your libraries. Knowing that you people are out there that are actually reading what I'VE written is just so cool. Yes, I am still a school-girl, I am in Grade 9 and that is why I won't be updating frequently. I've never realized how much I love writing. I don't really like writing at school, and although it is my creativity that drove me to write this book, I never like the creative writing courses we have in school. But on Wattpad, its a different story, I can write behind a online profile and I wont have to stare at your reactions when you read my story.

Now if you have read up to this part, I absolutely thank you. I hope you like this story as much as I took the time to write it.

heres a very important authors note: I will be writing this fic and saving them and only publishing them in batches of 2 or 3 chapters so, I won't come to the occasion when I am on writer's block but don't have anything to post if that make sense.

I hope you enjoy!!

rose x

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