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Blaise's POV

"Is princess Malfoy finally ready?" I said in a sing-song voice, I loved mocking Destiny.

"You could say that," Draco replied with a painful grimace, he sounded so pissed off. Destiny on the other hand just flashed her million dollar smile and started waving at me as if she were the queen of England. Of course, that just angered Draco even more, he hurriedly pulled her down the steps and nearly made her stumble, which didn't happen often, this was Destiny Malfoy, the most composed person I knew, so even nearly stumbling was something huge. Something only Draco would dare to do, any other person? They would probably die.

"Ughh- just get this over with, hurry up," Dest said, gruffly, clearly annoyed, she was also using the same bored tone Draco used when he bullied other mudbloods. I walked over to her and pulled her cheek. "awwwh, you are sho darn cute" I teased. She jerked her head sideways suddenly and bit me. Yep, she BIT me. She screamed the same time I swore, she was yelling that my hand had filth on it and that I touched her, while I was literally cursing nonstop because 1. my hand actually hurt. and 2. because I was trying not to grab her and just mess her hair up to annoy her. The entire time though, Draco was just LAUGHING, yes readers, he was laughing like we were a couple of lunatics he found on the street.

"Okay, let's just start, Destiny, you can use my old Comet."

"Draco, I am NOT sitting on your broom, can you get me a chair?" Destiny said, pretending to be a beg, she looked so cute.

"Okay okay, I'll get a chair then I'll use father's wand and try to bewitch it so it floats in mid-air." Draco sighed.

Draco's POV

I knew Destiny wasn't into Quidditch; I got her to come along anyway. But when she bit Blaise's hand, I didn't regret dragging her down at all.

I ran into the manor and grabbed the first chair I saw, I ran into my father's study and asked him for his wand, he replied yes.

"Sure Draco, we need to go to Diagon Alley soon, its the 23rd of August, nine days before school. We should get you and your sister your own wands, textbooks, and all the school stuff" He handed me his wand and I dashed off, forgetting about the fact that I didn't know how to float a chair in mid-air. I dashed outside and saw Blaise and Destiny bickering again, about- uh- parchment?

"Come on Destiny- you're a diva and you know it, I'm surprised you don't have pink parchment," Blaise said

"Oh shut up Zabini, why don't you and Draco get some Harry Potter merchandise? Since you obviously want to become best friends with him." Destiny shot back.

I zoned out to their argument and focused on bewitching the chair. I knew a few simple spells, like Wingardium Leviosa and Stupefy, Crucio, Accio and Petrificus Totalus because I had seen mother and father use them around the house. "Wingardium Leviosa" I muttered under my breath, pointing the wand at the chair. The chair slowly lifted as I raised the wand higher and higher, then I made it come down again. I tried levitating the chair again, but when it reached how high I wanted it, I said "Petrificus Totalus" and it froze in mid-air. I made a cutting motion and the broom floated back to the ground. "How did you do that?" Blaise sounded amazed. I shrugged "Watching and learning?"

"Okay Destiny, you will sit on the chair, then I will lift up the chair and freeze it in midair" Destiny's face went 4 shades paler, and our skin was pretty pale already.

"No, you won't, Draco Malfoy! What if you levitate me? Or accidentally freeze ME? All of us here know that you have terrible aim" She crossed her arms and stamped the ground.

"Come on Dest, I'm a QUIDDITCH player, I can aim-


Blaise's POV

"At least I am actually brave enough to hop ON the broom," Draco muttered. I don't think Destiny heard him, but I sure did.

"What was that Draco?" I said in a sickeningly over-sweet voice

"Nothing, nothing" Draco mumbled. "Shall we start flying? Blaise? Come on-"

"-Stop. What did you say, brother?" Destiny said, narrowing her icy eyes. Then she turned around and looked at me and winked. Good thing Draco didn't see her goofy face.

"Er- at least I can even hop onto a broom, unlike you, you wouldn't even set foot on a broom. You're a perfect match for Hufflepuff" Draco sneered.

Destiny gasped and made a french noise, it sounded like a snort and a scoff combined, it sounded like pfuit! In fact, to be honest, I think the Malfoys do have French, Veela and maybe German blood. That was probably how Destiny could make all the boys fall for her with one bat of her full dark lashes. She suddenly lunged forward and snatched the wand off Draco, pushing him to the ground, and she landed on his chest. Draco tried to push her off, but Destiny was his younger sister, he wouldn't dare to. She pointed their father's wand at Draco's throat. "You better take that back Draco Lucius Abraxas Malfoy or you'll be very unfortunate due to the fact that I don't know how to use magic spells properly."

"Oh right, oh right, I take it back," Draco said pushing himself up as Destiny stood up composedly, once again. "Good," She spat, looking down at Draco but then she looked up again. "FATHER!" She yelled. Draco stood up and looked down at his sister with narrowed eyes, Destiny narrowed her eyes too. They stared at each other, their identical eyes were glinting with both menace and anger. They looked more alike than ever.


"Destiny Malfoy, care to explain what is going on here?" Lucius Malfoy, himself demanded. "Good afternoon, daddy, my dear brother here was just telling me how I would be a perfect fit for the Hufflepuff retards" Destiny said sweetly "Clearly not" Draco muttered. Lucky his father didn't hear him. "Draco Malfoy, how dare you! How dare you say that your sister will not be sorted into Slytherin. She is a Malfoy, part of a family with the purest blood, the complete opposite of those Hufflepuff mudbloods." Lucius said icily. "Apologize, NOW" "Sorry Destiny, although with you attitude, you have probably only 0.1% chance of being sorted into Hufflepuff." Draco smirked, then Destiny smirked too. Suddenly Draco ruffled up his sister's hair. "Father! Look what he did to me!" Destiny shrieked. Lucius muttered 'Reparo', sighed and stalked off into the Manor once again.

Draco and I never actually practised Quidditch, we went around and teased each other, we actually had a lot of fun though.

How was that?

Final word count: 1205 words

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xx rose

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