diagon alley

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Destiny's POV

Hogwarts starts in a few days so today, mother and father took Draco, Blaise and I to Diagon Alley. Father took Draco and Blaise to look at racing brooms, and then to get all three us our school stuff from Flourish and Blotts. While mother and I are going to look for the kitten I wanted, then we will all meet up at Madam Malkins for our robes, and finally getting our wands from Ollivander's.

Harry's POV

After Hagrid and I exited Gringotts, Hagrid went inside the Leaky Cauldron for his "Pick-Me-Up" because he still felt quite sick from the Gringotts ride. And so, I had to shop for my robes, school supplies, and wand alone. I entered a shop called Flourish and Blotts nervously and looked for the books I needed, luckily, a store worker helped me find the things I need. It said that his name was Daniel on his name badge. He helped me find my books and finally, the only things I needed were, my cauldron, scales and my telescope.

I began looking at the cauldrons and this one cauldron made of solid gold caught my eye. "Can't I have this one?" I asked Daniel.

"Those are rather nice aren't they?" A boy around my age said, he had a pointed face and sleek light blonde hair. "Father, can't I have one of these? Hey, Blaise, let's get one each shall we?" He said excitedly to his father and his friend, Blaise.

"No Draco, you will not, it says on your school list, that you need a standard pewter size 2 cauldron, not a solid gold, size 2 cauldron. Look here for yourself." His father replied in a silky smooth voice. Draco nodded and turned back to me. "Would you like to be my friend? Since we have the same taste, you should shop with me and Blaise. Let's look around, shall we?" He said. I nodded, curious about him. We walked around the shop, chatting about Hogwarts. "I don't think the Muggle-borns should be allowed in. We've been selected because of our kind, our family, but they just get chosen randomly, it's not fair." Draco said. I nodded, it did make sense. "yeah, I get your point, it IS pretty unfair." I stated. "But I guess, it's not fair that I get to go either, I just found out yesterday," I said sadly, I had wanted Draco to be my friend, but if he won't accept me, I guess I can live without his friendship. "Hold on-' Draco said suddenly, "you never told me your name, you already know, but, I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He extended his hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand. "Harry Potter"

His eyes widened, "What Draco?"

"Your Harry Potter? Wow look at my luck, a found a good friend and he is HARRY POTTER!"

"Blaise, Father!" Draco beckoned them to come over "look at my luck! my new friend is Harry Potter!, Don't worry Harry, you've earned your place, you do have wizard blood.' Draco smiled.

"Draco quit yelling that around, everyone is staring at you. Such a disgrace." His father tutted, "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter, Lucius Malfoy." His father also extended his hand. I shook it.

"Blaise Zabini" Blaise said, he too, extended his hand. I shook all of their hands and we exited the shop, where we met Hagrid. "'Arry, well, I better get goin', 'Ogwarts business. Bes' be off, yer in good han's" Hagrid beamed and handed me a snow white owl. "Late birthday presen' fer ya" He smiled kindly and disapparated. "Father, can we go to see racing brooms now?" Draco asked, "Father says its a crime for me not to be picked for my school team." Draco told me. "What's Quidditch?" I said, completely puzzled. "What? You don't know what Quidditch is?" Draco looked shocked. "Oh, just you wait Harry Potter, it's the best wizarding sport ever! 7 players a team and played on broomsticks in the air!" Draco explained, excitedly. We walked into Quality Quidditch Supplies, and there was a huge crowd, around one broomstick. "Is that the Nimbus 2000?" Blaise asked me since I was the closest to the broom. "Yeah" I replied casually. "Harry, m'boy" Lucius suddenly said. "Hagrid says that it's your birthday today, right?"

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