the wandmaker

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Draco's POV

We entered Ollivander's, there was a note of mysterious magic lingering in the air. Destiny sat down in the spindly chair in the corner of the shop. Blaise, Harry and I, looked around the dark but interesting room. There were shelves stacked to the top with wand boxes lining every wall in sight. "Hello there," said a soft voice, we all jumped, except for Destiny. Destiny quickly stood up and brushed her black pleated skirt, making herself look impossibly more presentable. "Ah- a whole lot of you-" Mr. Ollivander said "it might take a while, I'm afraid, you see, the wand chooses the wizard, or in your case, Miss-" he paused and looked at Destiny. "Malfoy" She replied eagerly. "Yes, or in your case, Miss Malfoy, the witch, we could never predict how long it would take for you to be chosen by a wand, now," He clapped his hands once, sharply. "Who would like to get their wand first?" He said before looking at us, each in turn. "How about you? I feel like you wouldn't take too long." Mr. Ollivander, finally said, pointing at Blaise.

"Er- Okay," Blaise said nervously, the looked backed at us reluctantly. "Go on Blaise," Harry urged him. "WHO'S THE HUFFLEPUFF NOW, DRACO?" Destiny whispered loudly and visibly in my ear.

Mr. Ollivander had Blaise answer quite a few different questions, a few random but others pretty normal as far as, questions for getting your wand goes. He asked him what his favorite color is, and what he would like to study at Hogwarts the most. "Defence against the Dark Arts, I think" Blaise replied, chewing on his lip. Finally, he got settled with a wand: Hornbeam, Dragon Heartstring, 12 inches, Inflexible.

"You next, Mr. Malfoy," Mr. Ollivander said. He asked me the same questions and in the end. He measured different parts of my body. A bunch of places that I didn't even know that could be measured in one way or another. As the pile of rejected wands grew, Mr. Ollivander, got more excited. "Tricky customer, eh?" He muttered. "Don't worry, everyone has the perfect wand waiting for them out there." He assured me.

"It may just be that you will be skilled in magic so that a perfect fit for you is so rare, or that you're too picky," Destiny called out from her chair. Making Harry look at her and then they traded looks and laughed. Finally, I got set on a wand: Hawthorn and Dragon Heartstring, 14 inches, Swishy but with a reasonable pliant, according to Mr. Ollivander.

Harry's POV

"Hey Destiny," I said, quietly after we had burst out laughing at Destiny's snide remark, "do you mind if I get my wand before your's and you go last?"

Destiny nodded and smiled, "Sure Harry," Now I understood why Blaise had said that boys fall for her.

I walked up to Mr. Ollivander, and he started asking me questions and measuring my body. I kept on trying, just like Draco, the pile of rejected wands was getting bigger. Finally, it got to the point where Mr. Ollivander walked into a dark shelf, and hand-picked out a wand. "Would this work?" He murmured to himself.

It did indeed, work, the moment I had picked it up, I felt a warm sensation around my hand, as silver and gold sparks shot out the end. "Curious, it's very curious," He told me, "Er- Sorry, but what's curious?" I asked with a clueless face. Draco, Destiny, and Blaise snickered. I shot them a dirty look.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand, when its brother, why its brother, gave you that scar." He said slowly and pointed at my scar. These simple words had a big effect on the entire room. Destiny nearly fell out of her chair, which I knew was not normal, within a day of meeting her. Lucius widened his eyes and Narcissa gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "I'm very sorry to say that I sold the wand that did it. Thirteen and a half inches. Yew. Very powerful wand. But it was in the wrong hands, unfortunately."

Even when he was packaging the wand, he was still muttering "curious, how very curious."

"Mr. Ollivander," I asked his muttering to himself. "How is it that these two wands are related?"

"I remember every wand I've sold, Mr. Potter, every single wand. It just so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand gave another feather- just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother was in the hands of the very person who had attempted to murder you."

I swallowed.

"-yes, thirteen and a half inches. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember, I think we can all expect great things from you, Mr. Potter. After all, He Who Must Not Be Named did great things, -terrible, of course, but great."

Destiny's POV

Finally, after Harry was done with his wand, leaving the room eerily silent, as I presumed it was before we came, it was my turn.

I walked up to the counter nervously and tied up my golden hair carefully. Mr. Ollivander started measuring me, all sorts of different measurements. Around the head, waist to floor, arm length and a bunch of other places he also measured on the boys.

"Miss Malfoy, what class do you think you will enjoy the most?" He asked.

"Um. Charms or potions, I think." I said, quite unsure because I have no idea how the classes actually were.

"What is your favorite color?" He continued.

"Black and purple" I replied hastily.

He wandered into the mighty floor to ceiling shelves and started looking at boxes.

"Try this, ten and a quarter inches, holly, unicorn, and thestral hair combined."

I gave it a wave, feeling stupid and gold sparks shot out the end. "Is this the one?" I asked him.

"No, I think we're looking for something a bit, more subtle, more feminine." He said, as though he had suddenly thought of an idea. "-this can be the backup. I think I have something one of a kind out the back for you." He said before dashing off, into the shelves, once again.

After about two minutes, Mr. Ollivander emerged out of the stacks and shelves of wands. Carrying a deep magenta box, he carefully took off the lid, revealing a beautiful slender wand with a pink jeweled handle. "Eleven and a quarter inches, rosewood, unicorn and Veela hair." I smiled at the part about the Veela hair. "Now, you are part Veela, am I correct?" I nodded.

"Good, then this should fit you perfectly. I don't usually use rosewood or Veela hair, but that is what I meant by one of a kind."

Mr. Ollivander handed me the wand and when I held it, pink, blue and rose gold sparks shot out the tip while my hand felt warm where I touched the slightly pink wood.


whats up fam? uh sorry for such a short chapter. AHHHHHH IM SCREAMING IM NUMBER 7 IN #DOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!

Final word count: 1180 words.

X rose

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