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Everyday of school was the same for Felix. Hide and get as much work done as he could in the first three classes. Work hard but still take time to stare at Changbin.

Fourth-period objective sweat as little as possible. In the gym, he would change in a shower stall. He had to wear long sleeves and sweatpants to keep his bruises hidden. if he started to sweat he always went to the lockers to fix his makeup.

To Felix, it was better if people saw he wore makeup than if they knew his dad beat him. He didn't care if they thought he was weird but he absolutely didn't want to be pitied.

After he would run as fast as he could to the roof. He's never really made it though. Changbin always caught him before he could. He was starting to get tired of waiting on Changbin.

Never listen to the promises of drunk boys.

Felix pumped his legs as fast as he could but as he was going around a corner he ran into one of Changbin's friends. Han Jisung, the boy with the chubby cheeks sat on the floor and watched as Felix ran off. Hyunjin helped Jisung and they jumped out of the way as Changbin flew down the hall after the boy.

Felix felt the tug on his sweat shirt and was immediately on the floor. Felix laid on the floor panting. Changbin stood panting above him Felix stood up getting ready to run.

"First you make me chase you halfway around the damn school, then you trip my friend leaving him on the floor, now you wanna run again" Changbin growled at him.

"I-I'm s-sorry Binnie" Felix cursed at himself for using the nickname, he always had a habit of it.

Changbin grabbed the boy dragging him to the closet. Felix hated that closet. He hated that closet. He hated the closet more than he hated his own house and he hated his house with everything he had in him.

Changbin shut the door pinning Felix against the wall. He smacked Felix and turned around. Felix regretted everything he ever said to Changbin. He regretted helping him whenever Changbin snapped his fingers or called upon Felix. He hated not being able to stand up for himself, he hated feeling weak and useless. But what he hated most was how much he loved Changbin.

"How many fucking times have I told you to stop calling me that stupid fucking nickname." Changbin punched him.

"How many times?"

"I'm sorry Changbin it just slipped out.."

This made Changbin even angrier. Changbin beat him until Felix felt like he was gonna puke. But Felix kept his mouth shut knowing that complaining just made everything worse.

"What's my name?"

"Changbin" Changbin hit him a few more times kicking him as he fell.

"Don't forget my name next time."

Changbin left the room without a care for Felix. The bell rang and Felix snuck out of the room and up to the roof. The cold air stung his cuts. He cried through lunch and the last four classes surely there was no makeup left on his face. nothing left to hide his secret.

Felix thought about his life his mom was gone. His dad blamed him and his sister left the minute she could move out. He was left behind to fend for himself. The only member of his family that still loved him lived too far away for him to see.

He had nothing left, nothing left to lose. Felix had decided that was it, he was ready to go. He  thought about his options. Specifically, what would be easiest. He walked closer to the edge of the building but couldn't push himself to get any closer. He was too scared. He sat back in his spot and just cried his heart out.

The last bell came around and he stood up ready to go sleep in his car. The door flew open and he turned around seeing who it was he took a few steps backward.

"Relax I'm not here for you." Felix sobbed and felt his body relax.


Changbin looked up at the sobbing boy just in time to see him falling. He ran over to Felix lifting him.

"You're an idiot" Changbin mumbled voiceless, he put his hand on Felix's head "and you have a fever, wow"

Regardless of how stupid it was, he wouldn't leave him outside because part of him felt guilty. But only a super tiny little insignificant part as far as Changbin was concerned.

Changbin pushed the door open and set Felix inside the door. Felix shivered and groaned like he was starting to come to. Changbin took off his jacket and set it over Felix leaving.

Changbin got into his car and held his heart. He could feel the heat on his cheeks.

"You really need to stop doing this, you make me think I have a crush. I need it to stop."

Changbin looked up and saw Felix waddling to his car.

Maybe I'll follow him just to make sure he gets home safely.

Changbin followed Felix. Felix pulled into a grocery store. Changbin watched as Felix as he cleaned his face with some wipes.

What is he doing? Why here?

Changbin watched as Felix looked in the mirror satisfied with the removal of his makeup. Felix climbed in the backseat of his car.

Does he sleep here?

Are you an idiot its been two hours surely he's sleeping!

Changbin looked at his hands he was shaking, surely if he was shaking Felix was shaking too. His mind screamed to go check on him, but another part of him screamed to stay in his place. It hurt his heart to think Felix could be freezing to death over there.

He got out of the car and walked to Felix's. The boy was curled up like a ball with one little tiny blanket. He also had Changbin's jacket on.

Felix was shaking so much that Changbin wanted to open the door and just hold him. But he couldn't and wouldn't. Changbin went into the store and bought five blankets. He took them, out putting them all on Felix.

He closed the door and quietly got back in his car. He stayed up all night because every-time he got close to sleeping someone would be close to Felix's car. He started his car he was freezing.

If he does this every day you can handle it one time.

Changbin wanted nothing more than to go cuddle Felix. He saw Felix get up, he looked around confused and started changing Changbin almost cried at the state Felix was in. At that moment he couldn't bring himself to look at Felix it pained him to know how Felix was hurting.

He drove home and got a shower. He was shampooing and mentally beating himself.

You did all that to him. You beat him up, you hurt him everyday. You're the reason he wears makeup. You're the reason he hides all day. It's all your fault. He makes you happy and all you do is hurt him. He gives you so much love yet all you do is beat him up and yell at him.

What are you saying you idiot, he's worthless.

No, he isn't. I have to help him I have to change for him make it better. today will be different.

With that in mind changbin got dressed and drove to school.

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