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The nine went into the restaurant and got a table to seat everyone. Felix looked at the menu trying to decide what he wanted. When the waitress came to take their orders Felix just got what Changbin got.

They all talked to each other. Felix rubbed circles on Changbin's palm. The older watched Felix as he joined in on the chat.

Eventually their food came and they all ate while talking. When they finished they walked out to the cars. The nine were loud and laughing all the way to the cars. Changbin's sister gave each boy a hug saying goodbye to all of them.

Once on the way home, Felix felt drained. He curled up looking at Changbin. Felix looked back at Seungmin and Hyunjin. Seungmin was cuddled up to Hyunjin. After a while, they arrived at Seungmin's house.

"We're here" he waited for them to get out, but both were asleep.

"Ugh, do I wake them?"

"No that's mean. I'll carry Seungmin if you can carry Hyunjin."

Felix lifted Seungmin gently. The younger wrapped his arms around Felix's neck. Felix looked at Changbin, he had Hyunjin hanging over his shoulder. Felix almost doubled over laughing.

"The key is in the box" Changbin reached inside, retrieved the key and unlocked the door.

Changbin got Hyunjin and his shoes off. Felix struggled with Seungmin's shoes. Changbin reached over and dropped the shoes to the floor with a loud slap.

Changbin followed Felix to Seungmin's room. Changbin instantly threw Hyunjin down, hitting the boys head on the headboard.

"Ow, what the heck-" Felix laid Seungmin down next to Hyunjin gently.

Hyunjin rubbed his head rolling over. The boy was practically smothering Seungmin. Felix made sure Seungmin was still able to breathe before leaving with Changbin.

"Ah Binnie, did they have any bags in the trunk?"

Changbin shrugged opening the trunk. They looked through the bags. Four were theirs, Changbin looked at Felix closing the trunk.

"I'll take them in quick" Felix said, Changbin nodded getting in the car.

Felix walked up the steps. He opened the door and walked to Seungmin's room. He walked in to set the bags in there. He found Hyunjin and Seungmin intently staring into each other's eyes.

Hyunjin and Seungmin looked up startled by Felix. He made eye contact with Hyunjin. Felix set the bags down on the floor and left quietly.

"So weird" Felix locked the door on his way out.

He got in the car and Changbin drove to the hotel. Felix followed Changbin to the elevator. It wobbled and he clung to Changbin. They got off and went to their room.

Changbin got a shower and Felix watched TV. When Changbin got out he kissed Felix's head. The younger went and got a shower putting pajamas on and brushing his teeth.

When he got out he wrapped his arms around Changbin. Resting his head on the older males head. He noticed light snores and walked around the couch. He shut off the TV scooping Changbin up. He put the older in bed. He wasn't too tired though so he tucked Changbin in and walked out onto the balcony. He loved looking at the city lights.

"Felix" Changbin said wrapping his arms around the younger.

"I thought you were asleep?"

"I got chilly and you were gone." The older laid his head on Felix's shoulder.

Felix took in a deep breath and admired the lights. He allowed Changbin to pull him inside to the bed. He climbed in cuddling up to the older male.

"Felix?" He looked up to Changbin.

He pressed his lips to Felix's softly. He pulled away and rubbed Felix's head. The two held eye contact for a few minutes. Felix moved up and wrapped his arms around Changbin's neck.

"I love you a lot" Felix squeezed Changbin tightly.

"I love you too Felix" Changbin squeezed around the boy's waist.

Felix drifted to sleep holding onto his Binnie. When he woke up Changbin was still asleep. Felix kissed the boys head softly. The older smiled in his sleep before rolling over on top of Felix.

Felix giggled as Changbin tightened his grip on Felix's waist. The younger moved the hair off Changbin's forehead gently. He ran his hands through the older males soft silky hair.

Felix watched the olders face. His expression became odd, sad maybe? Or possibly scared? Felix couldn't tell which it was. Changbin began squeezing Felix really tightly.

"Changbin" Felix shook the older gently.

"Ow ow ow ow ow Binnie it hurts please wake up" Felix tried to pry Changbin's arms off him.

The older got up quickly gasping. He frantically started looking around and grabbing their stuff and throwing it into their bags. Felix slid off the bed hesitantly reaching for Changbin. The older grabbed his hand.

"Baby we've gotta go"

"Changbin I don't underst-"

"I'll explain after we get to Jisung's, make sure all your stuff is in your bag."

Felix got all his stuff and went to the bathroom. He got their toothbrushes and checked for anything they were missing. He put his bag on his back and got his blanket. Changbin stood by the door.

The sleepy boy followed the older into the elevator. The elevator stopped on a random floor and Felix noticed Changbin panic looking away. Felix wrapped his arm around Changbin and held up the older boy's plush, blocking their faces.

"Don't you think she'll love this plush toy we got her? I can't wait until we get back to Australia to show her. She'll be so happy!" Felix spoke in his deep, thick Australian accent.

The elevator opened and Changbin had never been more thankful in his whole life. Once in the car Changbin started the car getting out of there as fast as he could. He prayed for the first time in his life.

Dear God, please don't let us be seen, God, please.

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