Hello, Mr.Fischbach

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Mother slammed the door in my face. "You fucking shank!" I yelled through the door. I know she heard me. Living with her for 17 years, I know she has good hearing. Which is a surprise. She might've had me for 17 years, but she's been doing those drugs for almost 20 now. Hell, it's a surprise she hasn't over-dozed yet. I walked out into the freezing rain. It hardly rained here in Los Angles, but when it did, it was almost 25 degrees and it was the night I got kicked out. Are you fucking kidding me? What bullshit. 

I grumbled to myself as I walked the down street. I wasn't planning to get kicked out, that bitch is too high to get through to her. I have no extra clothes, no food. I was already starving as is. What the hell am I gonna do? I've always wanted to be on my own because I know I can do a lot better than her, but if she realized I could die out here maybe she would've given me a chance to pack. But whatever, its done with and now I at least have to find something to hide under until this rain stops. I wrapped myself in my old sweatshirt I had on and lowered my head so rain doesn't get into my eyes. That was a lot of fucking help.

I sighed. Well,  I adapt well. This can't be too hard. Since I dropped out of school last semester to help Mom with money, but couldn't find a job, it's not like I have somewhere to be in the morning. I shivered. It was the end of winter, but it was still fucking cold. My brown hair was drapped around my face and on my shoulders,  my clothes were soaked and I could barely see. I coughed a little, great already getting sick.

I was walking for a few minutes before I came upon a bridge. My spirts lightened up a little, where ever there was a bridge, there was shelter. I rushed my way over under the bridge. it wasn't much, but it would have to do until morning. I finally got under the bridge and didn't feel the rain pouring onto my back. I was so grateful right now. It was still cold because of the concrete, but I still considered it a step up. I sat on the edge of the wall, trying to warm myself as I replayed the last half hour in my head. I swallowed hard. Even though that bitch is a horrible person, she's still my mom. I love her, she just doesn't seem to love me back. The only time I really felt love is with my brother. He knows how hard it is to live in this family, he's seen it all happen from the start. But he's gone now and he's not coming back. He left me. He couldn't even take me with him. I cried as I remembered my brother, it was his sweatshirt I was wearing ever since he left. I quietly sobbed into the sleeve as I realized he was the only one to even care about my birthday. It was coming up in a week and Mom never cared so we always celebrated by ourselves. This is gonna be my first year without him.

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying and closed my eyes. I said I wouldn't cry about it anymore. Its been a year, its over. I heard someone clear their throat a couple of feet away from me. I looked up at the man who cleared his throat and it surprised me he was even there. I must've not have noticed him. He had a raggedy beard, obviously hasn't been trimmed in a couple of months, his clothes were dirty and torn, and when he smiled at me, he was missing at least 5 teeth and some of the others were blackened. He looked in his mid 50's. Maybe he was like me, has nowhere to go.

"Well, hello there ,pretty lady." He said to me, his voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I didn't smile or say anything back. I kept my guard up. He was eyeing me...weird. "Nice to ha'e some company 'round here.  I get very lonely." I clenched my jaw. Maybe I needed to leave here,  but this was the only shelter, probably for miles around. He got closer to me. He knew I was edgy, yet he tried anyway. "So what's your name, pretty lady?"

He scooted closer and I knew that was far enough. "Get the hell away from me."

That seemed to really piss him off. His polite face went away as he scowled, now I was kinda scared of this guy. "I served this country for 20 years of my life and this is the respect I get? Come 'ere, girl!" The man reached for me, but I was already up from my seat. I saw the situation from a mile away. I know my brother taught me how to spot a dangerous spot before it even happened. I think he did pretty good job as a teacher.

The man was obviously in pain from having to move so much and he hadn't even gotten up from his seat yet and I took that time to run. He was never going to catch up with me. He moved too slow, and it was hard to see out here anyway. I should be fine.

Yes, I was back where I started. In the cold, freezing rain, in soaking wet clothes and with nowhere else to go. I'm not gonna lie. I'm fucking pissed. But it's whatever. The rain should stop shortly, unless it's a monsoon, then I'm screwed. I could feel myself shivering uncontrollably. This is not okay.

I continued walking. What else was I suppose to do? I tried to look down at my watch. It was so wet and foggy, I couldn't even read it. It was an old analog clock that had a peace sign in the middle. I'll admit, my brother stole it for me when I was little, but I've had it ever since. And I would never try and give it up either. 

From what I could see, it was about 1 in the morning. Everything was closed. This could be my chance to break into a store and get some goods. Who knows how long I'll be out here. I looked up to see what was around and I just saw the light, broken streetlights. I was about to see the buildings, but I couldn't see the signs. A convince store would be nice. Something that nobody would care that got robbed. Too much crime happens here in LA for enough people to care about every little thing that happens. 

I came up to two glass, slide doors to some convenient store called "Rush". I looked to the dark interior, rows and shelves full of food made my mouth water. If only I had to hold stuff with. 

I heard a car honk behind me and jumped. I was hoping it wasn't the cops, that's the last thing I need on my ass. It was a red car, looked like a new model. I couldn't tell a lot of detail since I was about 20 feet away from the street and it was still pouring rain. "Hey!" I heard a voice call. 

It was a man's voice, no doubt about it. But what would he want with me? I wasn't wearing anything attractive and there was no way he thought I was getting in his car. "W-whatcha doing out here in the rain?" He called. I noticed he was yelling over how hard the rain was pouring. I tried to act uninterested, but he had a car. With a roof. I was getting more and more desperate by the minute. 

The man patted the side of his car, "Com' on! Let me take you home! It's bad to stay out here in this kinda weather!" 

I tapped my foot, thinking it over. Okay, so maybe going with a total stranger wasn't the best idea ever, but it was better than dying out here. Some kinda shelter. I hesitated, but took my first step towards the man's car. 

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