Chapter 10

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We were standing in line outside of club/bar type of place. Mark stood in front of me in line and that didn't help me look small between everyone else. I wasn't short, everyone was just...big for some reason. I tugged onto Mark's shirt, "Are you sure this is okay?" 

Mark smiled, "It's okay to break some rules sometimes to have some good fun. I mean, what's the point if you don't do anything thrilling." 

I looked around, everyone seemed over 21, it made me look like a child. "Y-y-you sure?" 

Mark chuckled and wrapped his arm around me and gently hugged me, "Don't worry, Legan. I got this under control. Just trust me." I sighed and nodded. Of course I was gonna trust him. He seems like he knows what he's doing. 

We got up to the front of the line and this big scary black man was glaring down at me and Mark. I was probably quivering in my shoes, but I know Mark was smiling brightly at the man. I don't know why Mark was always so happy. I wondered if that ever got him in trouble with anybody. "Hello, sir." Mark chirped. 

The man's glare only got darker. I avoided eye contact at all costs. "Cards." Was all the man said. 

Man, I thought I was gonna be sick. His voice was so deep I felt my insides tremble. I mean, I knew I was kind of a scardy cat, but this was ridiculous. But at the same time, I never really went anywhere without my brother. Maybe that's what's making me sick. The fact that he's not around. I'm still sick that he would leave his only sister, his best friend, in a hellhole like this. I guess I was just wrong. 

Mark handed the man our cards. The man looked over Mark and let him pass and then he looked over at me. I smiled nervously. I felt like he was judging me. I couldn't take it. I simply stared back into his dark abyss he calls eyes with the most forced smile I could manage. The man nodded and gave me back my card. 

A wave of relief came over me as I walked past him and into Mark's arms. I don't know why Mark was hugging me. I guess he could see the nervousness in my eyes. "You did good, kid." He patted me on the back and we headed inside. 

I walked in and immediately had an ocean of alcohol ambush my nose. I had to cough, but I knew I would soon get used to it. It was kinda dark in here. I could barely see five feet in front of me. I guess it's easy for me to hide in here then. The music was loud, I could feel the beat in my stomach. I a lot of bass, but maybe too much. I looked over at Mark and realize he was saying something. This was gonna be something difficult to hear. "What?" I tried to say over the loud music. 

Mark bent down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and spoke into my ear, "I hope it's not too loud in here. This place has great cocktails so I thought it would be great place for you." I smiled and nodded as a way of saying "Thanks." I really didn't feel like screaming all night. 

Mark grabbed my hand and walked me to the bar. After we pushed past everyone and were able to find two seats next to each other, Mark sat me down first like a gentleman and sat next to me. The bartender gave me a suspicious look and I smiled back, a bit confident that I could get past a big dude who does it for a living. The bartender simply rolled his eyes and turned to Mark, "What'da'll ya have?" He had a thick southern twang in his voice. Probably from Texas or something. 

Mark looked over at me and thought for a second. I hope he wasn't gonna ask me to order, because I had no idea what to choose. I didn't drink alcohol because I think it's just gonna turn me into my mom, but a couple of drinks isn't gonna kill. Plus, I smell this stuff all the time. I highly doubt I'm gonna keep drinking this stuff. "Two Brandy Cocktails, please." 

The bartender nodded and went to go make the cocktails. He didn't seem to like his job very much. Just the way he was trudging around behind the bar. Maybe if he wasn't wearing a fake tux with the bowtie looking really tight on him. I looked around, trying to remember people's faces, just in case. I was in an unknown surrounding. I wasn't 100% relaxed. 

"You look really pretty in that dress. And I mean it." Mark leaned over and smiled. Was he flirting? I don't know. I'm not really sure why someone would be interested in a street rat like me anyway. But I guess I did look a bit pretty. 

"T-Thanks." I blushed. I had to look away, I guess I was just a bit embarrassed. 

The bartender came back and put our cocktails on the table in front of us. Mark picked his up and I picked up mine. I smelt mine first. I don't eat or drink anything unless the smell's okay. It wasn't bad, but it was still strong. Mark raised up his glass, "Cheers." 

I gently smiled and tapped my glass to his. "Cheers." Mark threw back his drink and swallowed it in about three seconds. I simply sipped on mine, trying it. It actually didn't taste that bad. I started to drink in larger gulps. 

Mark cleared his throat and called over to the bartender, "Hand me a Genesee Cream Ale and an extra Brandy." Mark ordered. I kept drinking my first Brandy and I already felt a buzz going on in my head. Like there was a spark going on in my head. As I finished the Brandy, I looked over at Mark and smiled. 

I heard the two drinks Mark ordered be placed in front of us and I grabbed the second Brandy. Mark grabbed his beer and offered another cheers. We tapped drinks and he tipped a couple glugs back down his throat. I took a big gulp and felt my buzz growing bigger. Mark put his drink on the bar and he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Happy birthday, Legan." 

I smiled and continued to drink. That meant a lot to me. A tear gently slid down my cheek. I was smiling and happy. I whispered softly to myself, "Happy birthday to me." I threw back the rest of my drink. 

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