Chapter 2

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I slipped into the man's car, trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible, but he was staring at me. I didn't know what to do. "Uh...where to?" 

I bit my lip. I didn't know what to tell him. Nowhere? Just drop me off where ever? I sighed and held onto my sweatshirt tighter. "Um...did you hear me?" The man asked again. I muttered something very softly. I didn't know what to say. "What was that?" He asked me to repeat again. 

I took a deep breath and spoke broadly, "I have nowhere to go." I lifted up my head,but didn't think about looking at him. 

I heard him take a sigh. I could hear the gears moving in his head. Maybe he regretted taking me in. Just thinking about going back out into the cold rain was terrifying for me. I could be sick already. This guy could be a killer or rapist or something. I have no idea who he is. But he was...kind...enough to even let me into his car. I didn't want to stand out in the freezing rain. 

I decided that my only way to stay in safety for a while was to mooch off of this guy. It wasn't the smartest idea, but it was the best thing I had right now. I turned towards the man and looked deep in his eyes with my own blue ones. "Sir?" He turned towards me and looked into his chocolatey eyes. "Uh...I just wanna say...I don't wanna be out here...I'm gonna die out here...No one will come looking for me...And I'll just be wiped off the Earth, just like that. Not a single person caring...I find that terrifying...Please...Just...Just give me another chance..." 

The man sighed and started up his car. I didn't even realize he shut it off. The man was obviously thinking really hard about taking me with him, wherever he was going.  I wrapped myself and looked out the window. This dude had a lot of balls letting me into his car. So much could happen. The amount of trust that we need between each other seems so low, yet its there.  

I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I had to admit, he had an interesting face. Nice to look at. His hair alone was interesting. It looked as if it was a natural Mohawk, but enough hair to make it look like a giant mess. It was a nice style on him. He has on black frame glasses, they seemed like cheap, but this car would say other wise. This car is at least a 2004 Pontiac GTO. That's at least $11,000. He's not broke. In good condition too. Being my brother's sister. Knowing the value of something would be useful. "Always do your research." That's what my brother would always say. 

Then the man's eyes. They were a coffee brown. Smooth. Light. But still bold and dark. It amazed me. They were very nice to look at. He had scruff on the side of his face, like he was trying to grow a beard. I had to admit, he wasn't bad looking. He looked....maybe his late 20's. I saw him glance over my way and I panicked. I was staring. Not a good sign. I looked away. He probably thinks I'm some freak now. God....I hope this "arrangement" is a couple days tops. 

-30 minutes later- 

We finally pulled up to this apartment complex. I've never been on this side of town. This was more the "rich" side of town. I had never even thought about being here. This side of LA was laying still. Everything was silent. The only sound was me and him scuffling out of the car. I looked over at him. He didn't look like one to be here, but here we are. If he lives here, her's got a lot of money on him. A lot of valuable stuff I can live off of. But maybe I should make that assumption after I'm done living with him. 

We walked up to the main door and I read the sign, "Park la Brea Apartments." This building was at least 20 stories high. We walked through the door and the lobby alone was bigger than my entire house. It's not like that's hard, but still. There was a chandelier hanging from the cieling and the floor was made of marble. How much money does this guy make? Who is this guy? The man turned back to me and led me towards the elevator. I wonder if he trusts me enough in this place. I honestly don't look like I had money, and I probably look like I had never saw expensive stuff before. 

We stepped into the elevator and the man pressed 'Floor 10'. There was silence. I felt awkward being here. I tried to keep looking away, but he looked really good and handsome. " name's the way." 

I nodded and didn't say a word. Did he want my name? I guess that would help the awkwardness between us, because he was obviously uncomfortable as well. But I was just so quiet and fragile, knowing I was getting sick from the freezing rain. "I'm Legan." I saw him smile, I guess he liked my name. 

"Well, Legan. What were you doing out there by yourself? Where's your family?" I sighed. And here comes the round of 20 questions. I guess he saw how uncomfortable I was because he was trying to take it back, "Well, I can promise you, you're safe with me. As long as you don't screw me over." 

Oh, how comforting. That just makes it harder for me to take stuff from this guy. Hell, I doubt he'd even miss some stuff that I would need. But at the same time, I could be tried as an adult in a couple of days. If I plan to take anything, I have to get in and get out. Playing innocent should give me enough time. I smiled back at Mark and nodded to him, "Thank you. Really, for taking me in. I could've died out there." 

The elevator doors opened and Mark stepped out into the hall, me following close behind. "Don't worry. Legan. I'll give you enough time that you need to get back on your feet." We came up to a door and Mark unlocked it with the same keys he used on his car. "But for now, you can sleep here for as long as you need." 

He stepped out of the way and I stepped inside. This place was huge for an apartment. I couldn't believe it. What did he even work as? My jaw had dropped. I loved being here, I might have to stay here longer than I thought. This was a two story apartment! This blew my mind. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't even think there was such as a place like this. "Uh...mind if I ask what you work as?" 

He closed the door behind him and smiled. That reminded me of what type of a position I was in. I had a place to stay and everything, but I didn't know this guy and I'm not going to be knocked up and left with a child. Hell, I can't even feed myself. I made sure to keep my distance from him. And at least know where all the exists were. He must've saw this because he respected the distance I wanted between us. "Don't worry, I'm not a sick bastard that will take rent for sex. How about we get to know each other a little bit?" 

I shrugged. I was crazy for getting in his car in the first place. My brother would scold me for even looking his way. If only he was here to help me through this now, but he had to go up and leave. Mark reached his hand towards me for a handshake, he had a genuine smile on his face. "My name's Mark Fischbach. Better known as Markiplier. I don't want to hurt you, I'm not like that. I know you're probably a bit shaken and scared, but I wanna help you. So will you take a chance and trust me with this? You can always just walk out that door if you don't feel okay being here. So, what do you say?" 

I thought about it. I don't know this man, but I know he was nice enough to take me into his car. If anything he might think I'm here to rob him. But he's putting this much trust in me. Why can't I put some trust in him? Besides the fact that he's a complete stranger. And even if he does double cross me, I can still run. Just a couple of days. Would that really hurt?

I hesitantly reached for his hand and shook it. 

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