Chapter 4

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"JESUS CHRIST! HOLY BALLS! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I woke up to yelling. I jumped from the couch, wondering where all of that was coming from.

I looked at the time and it read 12.42. Had I slept for that long? The yelling was coming from down the hall where Mark had gone last night. Maybe he was getting murdered, "I'm a baby! I'm just a maaaaan baby!" A weird sounding voice said. What was wrong with this guy? The door was open so I simply poked my head inside. This room was nicely done. There was a bed in one corner and in the opposite corner was a big desk with three monitors on it. Mark was sitting at this desk, his back facing away from me so he couldn't tell I had entered the room. Maybe I should just leave before he notices me.

Mark started speaking into a webcam that was sitting on the monitor to his right. "I think that's enough for now, guys. Lemme take a break and we'll get back to playing something like Don't Starve in about 10 minutes or so." I was trying to get a good look on what was on his screens. The left was a twitter and facebook account on two different tabs. The center looked like a darkly lit game where I only say a man's arm holding a lantern. And the last one on the right had a chat going on, a lot of people were in the chat and were talking spastic since it looked like it was just constant scrolling.

I was reading the messages and some of them read, "Omgawd Mark, who's that person behind you?" "It's a ghost! Run mark!!!!" "Oh! She's pretty!" "Is that your girlfriend?????" "OMGAWD I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU MARK!" W-were they talking about me?

Mark read the messages and turned around and saw me. He looked a bit surprised and shocked. Maybe he forgot about taking me in last night. I kinda felt bad because I was just invading his privacy. After a couple moments of silence, Mark smiled and spoke, "Morning, Legan." I just softly smiled and waved back, afraid to say something. Mark turned around and clicked some buttons on the screen and the chat and video seemed to just pause. Mark was a bit more relaxed when he turned back to me in his comfortable-looking desk chair.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

I shrugged, but knew to be honest, considering I might be here longer than I originally thought. "Yeah, a little. Y-your door was opened and...I thought you were getting murdered or something..." I knew I was coming off as shy, but that could make it easier for me to leave without notice. I mean, he'll be fine. He almost seems like he doesn't care anyway.

Mark laughed and threw his head back, "Nah, just doing a live stream. It's the last one of the month." I was completely confused. I never really heard of a live stream before. Mark must've caught up on this because he soon explained to me what a live stream was, "Instead of watching videos on YouTube about me playing video games, people can watch me play video games in the moment. Cool, right?"

I nodded and mused him. I was never really interested in video games, although I never had a chance to. They look like a lot of fun, but I have no room to ask if I could play. Mark looked at his watch and got up from his seat, "I have about seven minutes before I have to get back. Did you need something?" I shook my head. I knew I needed some sleep back. "Well, I'm going to get something to drink, want anything."

I was so thirsty now that I thought about it, but I didn't wanna be a bother. I don't even know what's in his fridge. "Okay." He went out the door and I quietly followed behind. I didn't wanna scare him, but silence was a specialty of mine. Me and my brother would rob stores for food and get away with it easily. Mark opened the fridge and got himself a Coke. I simply watched him and sat back on the couch, acting like I was interested in whatever was on the TV. Something about the Tour de France. I wasn't interested. Mark took a sip and started to head back into his room, "If you need anything, just yell. I'll be quieter this time."

I smiled gently and nodded, "Thanks." Was all I said. I didn't see why he was so social to a stranger. Why he's so comfortable with me in his house. Maybe he's just lonely. I shrugged it off and laid back on the couch. I was kinda tired and was feeling a bit under the weather. Probably from standing out in the rain last night. God, please don't be the flu or something.


I woke up to a horrible pain in my stomach. I clenched tightly into a ball and held my stomach. I felt like shit. Like I was going to vomit. That's when I realized, I had no idea where the bathroom was. Hopefully, I could take a guess.

I got up from the couch and immediately fell to the floor. The pain was too intense for me to even walk. I might as well have been stabbed and had my guts twisted. I knew I had to get to the bathroom or there would be a horrible mess. I crawled my way to the bathroom after looking into three rooms and reached the toilet. Thank God.

It wasn't long before I started vomiting. It was disgusting. I could still taste it in my mouth and I wanted to gag and vomit again. Man, just think, if I was out in the streets and this happened, that would be awful. I was laying on the floor when I saw a red spot on my pants. SHIT!

It was huge! I don't have another pair of clothes! Oh, my God. What the hell am I gonna do?! "Fuck!" I had to yell. This was bullshit! It still hurt to move, but I was able to take my pants off so they wouldn't be damaged further, but my panties. "Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!" I was so mad. I ruined everything I had on. What the hell am I suppose to do now? I had nothing left on me.

I heard a gentle knock on the door and gasped. "Shit." I whispered quietly to myself. I forgot I had someone else in the house. WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO! I AM IN FULL PANIC MODE AT THIS POINT!

"L-legan? You alright in here?" Mark opened the door to see me on the floor. No pants. In a ball. With vomit in the toilet. I was so embarrassed. I would be fine if I died right here, right now. I have to leave here. Tonight. Mark's eyes flung opened and he began to stutter, "Oh, my gawd. I'm so sorry. Uh..." He didn't know what to do and he slammed the door behind him. Correction, I have to leave here as soon as possible. I bet my face was as red as a cherry. I needed to get as far away from this place as possible.

I laid on the floor and started crying. This is what my life has become to. I'm never get back on my face and I'm going to die on the streets. That's my fate. I honestly don't wanna go back out their on my own. In that hell. I want my mom's house back. I want my brother back. I don't wanna be here. I don't even wanna live anymore. I'm just done with everything. I laid on the cold, tile floor and cried my eyes out.

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