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Just wanted to say Jo is a girl name, Joe is a boy name, Ashtyn is a girl name, Ashton is a boy name, I did write this at 1:00 in the morning on my half dead phone, I do have a PicCollage, It is @Keiras_Boss , yes I know very modest,

I do worship 1D and 5SOS, contrary to some people that is not a crime, and it does not deprive me of time to play fun games such as 'Solley Ball',(you had to be there) SoccerTennis("), Soccer, reading on Wattpad, Writing on Wattpad, Stalking 1D and 5SOS, and living my life on the edge, as in staring at the TV for longer than an hour, and, eating icecream for breakfast, I know you're blown away, THANK YOU WHATEVER PLACES YOU ARE AT READING THIS!!!

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