Breakup and Looooove[6]

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"I think we should break up." Wow, that sounds way worse than I meant it to.
"What?"He was so surprised.
"It's just causing way too much drama."
"But, if you really like someone you don't really care?" He said that as a question.
"You said that as a question and you hesitated."
"Jo! Stop being so hard! I really like you, I don't care about Ashtyn! She was cheating on me, when she was eleven!"
"Weren't you cheating to?"
"NO! Thats not me and you know that. You know she fibs all the time, I bet she doesn't even watch soccer, life is living hell dating her. She'll come up to you like 'Oh Parker I saw you sitting next to Kelsey, are you dating her?'" I cracked up at that expression.
"Stop Parker I'm mad right now."
"She's like that One Direction song Taken, she hates me when we're together and loves me when we're apart."
"Don't even try distracting me with One Direction terms, it won't work and we're done, Takoata asked me out and I'm saying yes, my best friend will be my best friend again and everyone will be happy except us, Ashtyn's gonna see what misery she brought us and we'll get back together again, if it doesn't work in a week we'll secretly date and I'll act as unattractive as possible to break up with Takoata and then everyone will be happy except Takoata so we'll set him up with Keira or Kirsten then literally everyone will be happy! Bye" I kissed him for the last time and left. I heard him say one last thing before I left.
"I love you Jo."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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