Chapter 8 I Know What I Want

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Peeta POV

The last few days have been hell. I see Katniss everyday and feel the pain she causes. Why did she kiss me? Why is she doing this to me?

"Peeta!" I jump and look to see Finnick. "What the hell man?"

"What?" I ask confused.

"I've been talking to you the last 10 minutes." he says. I shake my head and close my locker. "You okay? Is it about Katniss?"

"Yeah...I think so." I say as we walk. "I don't know."

"Peeta, I know you love her and I don't want to tell you to not to but look what its doing to you." he says. I nod and look down. 

"I know your right." I say.

"Lets just get school over than we're ll go to your house and play some Madden." he says. I nod and we walk into class. We sit down and pull out our stuff when our teacher walks in.

"Alright class. Project day." he says. "Today you will all work in groups of three." I look at Finnick who shrugs. "Alright, everybody pick your parnters." 

"You and me man?" Finnick asks. I nod and look around but everybody is taken. 

"Ahh..Katniss. Your alone. Lets see, you'll work with..." please not us...please not us. "Peeta and Finnick." That was so ovious. She walks slowly over to us and sit down.

"Hey Katniss." Finnick says.

"Hi Finnick. What should we work on?" she asks avoiding looking to me.

"Well, Peeta?" I look up and shrug. 

"I don't know." I mumble.

"Come on, your the smart one here." he says nudging me under the table. I look up and he gives me the 'do something brilient' look. 

"Well, we could work on the...." I look down and think. Katniss doesn't know much about history. "War History."

"Good idea, Katniss?" Finnick asks.

"I don't know much about history." she says.

"Peeta here can help you." he says. "Right Peet?" God damn it Finnick!

"Sure, why not." I say. She smiles slightly and nods. 

"Alright than. Lets get to work kids." he says smiling. I frown and try to work the rest of the hour but I can only think about what Katniss is thinking about and not know is killing me.

After School

"Peeta, hold on." I turn and see Katniss. She's still not that fast so I stop. "Would you want to study with me?" 

"Ahh..." but she cuts me off.

"I know your mad and say but I really need help with this." she says.

"Sure, come on. I got some time." I say. She nods and we make our way to my car. I drive us there and help her out before we head inside.

"Cupcake, how was school" mom asks from the kitchen. I look down embarrassed as Katniss giggles.

"Mom! It was fine and I have a guest!" I say. She walks out and smiles.

"Katniss, dear how are you?" she asks.

"Fine Mrs. Mellark, Thank you." she says.

"Would you like to stay for dinner while your here?" she asks.

"Oh...well I wa....but mom cuts her off.

"You can if you wish to." she says.

"Okay, sure." she says.

"Alright, mom we gotta go upstairs and study." I say.

"Ha! Study my ass!" somebody calls from the living room. 

"Rye!" mom says. Rye, my 23 year old brother must be here.

"Come on Katniss." I say. She nods and we head up to my room. "Sorry about that." I set my stuff down next to my desk.

"Its okay, I know your family Peeta." she says. I nod and pull out a chair for her. "Thanks." she sits down.

"Alright, lets get started." I say.

"Peeta, I really need to talk to you." she says. I sigh and look up. "I have to."

"Okay, what is it?" I ask.

"I know I've been the worst girl ever. I've ruined you life and I'm sorry." she says. 

"Katniss I...."

"But I can't fight my feelings." she says looking up.

"What? What feelings?" I ask.

"My feelings for you." she says. This all takes me by surprise. "Peeta, I love you."

"What?" I ask. 

"I love you." she says softly.

"Katniss, you do...." but she pulls me forward and into a deep, passionate kiss. Before I can do anything...I kiss back I love this girl more than life itself. When she pulls away I'm just stuned. "Do you really want this?"

"I know what I want Peeta." she says. I smile and nod. I have the chance to be happy and I'm not letting it go.


Please tell me if I brought them together to fast.

Nikki :)

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