Chapter 40 I....Can't

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Peeta POV

Her fingers wrap around my neck but nothing, she just stands there. I open my eyes and look down to see tears in her eyes. She shakes her head and backs up.

"I...can't....I really can't." she says. I don't understand...I mean. She wants to kill me, why doesn't she take her chance?

"What? Why?" I ask. She lets out more tears and shakes her head.

"Everything I learned today...I just can't." she says.

"Katniss please....kill me...please." I say dropping to my knees. She looks up with a confused look in her teary eyes.

"Why do you wanna die?" she asks.

"Because I have nothing worth living for anymore." I say as banging on the door begins.

"Peeta! Please stop! You don't need this!" Delly says.

"Listen to her Peeta, you don't need this." Katniss says.

"I need you Katniss." I say.

"Peeta...I don't know what to believe anymore." she says.

"Than kill me....I can't live without you." I say. She sighs and kneels down in front of me.

"You don't need to worry about this....I love you Peeta." she says. This...really sounds like my Katniss.

"You do?" I ask looking up. I see her beautiful silver grey eyes.

"Yes cupcake." she says. I smile and pull her forward, kissing her with all my passion when the door breaks and two large men walk in with Delly and Prim.

"What? I thought....she..." Delly stutters.

"Stop! Whats going on?" A woman asks after walking in.

"I was kissing my boyfriend till you had to break the door down." Katniss says making me smile.

"Peeta? You okay?" Delly asks.

"Yes, I am." I say wrapping my arms tighter around Katniss.

"Alright, if you need something than call." she says.

"I will." I say looking back to Katniss. 

"I can't leave you two alone with a good mind. I want to stay here and watch you." the woman says.

"Who are you anyway?" I ask.

"I'm Katniss's therapist." she says sitting down.

"Alright and why do you want to stay here?" I ask.

"Because Katniss is dangerous. I have to be here if something goes wrong." she says.

"I'm not dangerous." Katniss says. "I want to be alone with Peeta." 

"I know but your still very unstable. You have to stay under observation." she says.

"Its okay Kitty." I say stroking her cheek. She smiles and pulls me in for another short kiss.

"Alright, lets get" she says looking at her clipboard. "Now Katniss, what are you feeling right now, at this moment?"

"I feel....happy and loved." she says looking at me. I smile and pull her onto my lap.

"Do you want to...hurt Peeta in anyway?" she asks. Katniss looks to me, giving me a serious look but shakes her head.

"No." she says.

"Okay." she writes something in her clipboard. "Now do you remember what Gale did to you?"

"What? No..." she says looking down.

"Nothing at all?" she asks but Katniss starts to pull at her hair, whimpering and rocking back and fourth.

"Thats enough! Leave her alone!" I say hugging her tightly.

"Alright than. Katniss, listen to me. Remember what Gale did to you." she says but Katniss just breaks out crying.

"I said stop!" I say.

"He was poisoning you! He wants you to kill Peeta." she says.

"Leave it!" I yell.

"You want to kill Peeta Katniss. You know it" she says. 

"I....I ca...." Katniss stutters but just screams and wraps her arm around my neck, trying to choke me.

"Help!" the therapist yells and the door opens.

"You killed Gale! You killed him and now I'm gonna kill you Peeta! Your dead! I hate you!" Katniss yells as a guard grabs her and I'm pulled from the room. They close the door after we're all out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! She was doing just fine!" I yell.

"She had to be set back to see if she was really still infected." she says writing something down but I take the clipboard and throw it down the hall.

"You started this! What kind of therapist are you?!" I yell but a guard holds me back.

"Katniss is now a subject of science. For a very long time she's gonna be here, far away from you!" she says before walking off. "Take him away." 

"No! No you bitch I'll kill you!" I yell as they pull me out. Have I really lost my Katniss for good?


I bet everybody thought Katniss and Peeta were okay? Thought wrong! How many people are mad? Raise your hands!!!

Nikki :)

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