Chapter 26 Alone Again

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Peeta POV

She left me. She really left me and now I'm alone again. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to live without my Katniss. She was my first...she means the world to me. Why did she follow me? Why dod she see us? Why did she leave me for another guy? Why did she hurt me again?

"Mr. Mellark?" I turn and see a nurse. "Would you like some pain killers?"

"Umm..yes please." I say walking over to her. She hands me the small pills and a glass of water. I take them and walk back to my bed. 

"Would you like to watch TV or a movie?" she asks.

"No thank you." I say sitting down.

"If you change your mind than push the blur button and I'll come up." she says before leaving. I lay down and stare at the white ceilling. She just left...she doesn't love me. I though she did...I thought I could marry her and have a family. But thats the was just a thought.

"Peeta?" I look up and see Delly. "I heard what happened and chewed Amber's ass."

"I'm fine." I mumble. She walks over to my bed and sits down.

"Are you okay?" she asks. I sit up and shake my head.

"Katniss left me....she left to District 2." I say as the tears stream again. She pulls me in for a hug that I accept and hug her back.

"She's not worth it." she says. "You have other people that love you. Like me, your like my brother Peety and I'l always be here for you."

"Thanks just hurts so bad." I say. She sighs and wipes the tears away. "I love her."

"I know cupcake but listen, you get out of here and you and I will go to some clubs. To get your mind off of things." she says.

"I'm 16. I can't drink. They won't even let me in." I say.

"My boyfriend's brother is the barkeeper. He'll let us in." she says. I look down and sigh. Maybe alittle party will help me and with Delly? That should be fun.

"Alright, fine but only because you asked." I say making her smile.

"I thought so. You still got 2 weeks left here, right?" she asks. I nod and she looks to the clock. "Shit...I gotta get to work but I'll be back tonight." she kisses my cheek and stands up. "Byebye Peety."

"Bye Delly." I say as she leaves. Maybe I should watch a movie and I'm hungry. I push the blue button and seconds later the same nuse walks back in. "Could I watch a movie?"

"Of course, we have netflix." she says pulling the large flatscreen closer to the bed and handing me the remote. "And are you hungry?"

"Yes." I say. She nods and hands me a little menu. 

"You can choose what you want." she says.

"How expensive is this place?" I ask making her smile.

"Your in here on accident. You nor your family pay for anything." she says.

"Oh...alright." I say. She nods and I look through the menu but end up ordering lamb stew with some biscuits. "I'll be back with it shortly." I nod and she leaves the room. I turn the TV on and flip through what movie I should watch. I decide to watch Dawn if the Dead. I always liked that movie. As it play my food comes and I finally feel abit better. After I'm finished the movie isn't over so I put my stuff aside and watch the rest juts as the door opens again. Its Aunt Carrie.

"Peety, are you alright? The doctor said you hit your head on a rock." she says rushing to me.

"I'm fine and yes I did. Its was an accident." I say smiling. She nods and kisses my cheek.

"I was worried. I got a call and as soon as I did I came here." she says. I shake my head and turn the TV off.

"I'm really okay. Just a hit, as far as I know." I say sitting up abit more.

"They didn't tell you anything?" she asks.

"No, I woke up just today." I say. She nods just as the door opens yet again and the doctor walks in.

"Hello Peeta, I wanted to tell you whats going on." he says walking over to my bed.

"Okay, is it really bad?" I ask.

"It sounds bad but its not." he says flipping through the pages on his clip board. "Okay, you cracked your skull on the rock pretty bad but it was okay and we fixed that."

"My god...he's alright though? No serious problems?" Aunt Carrie asks.

"No, nothing bad at all. Thats it." he says. "You can leave in about....3 days."

"Alright, thats good." I say.

"Just rest until than but you can explore the hospital." he says. I nod and he leaves, Carrie still looking worried.

"I'm really okay." I say. She nods and the rest of the day is pretty quiet. Maybe I can get through this.


I know we're making Katniss a total bitch but everything will be okay. I promise. Well...maybe.

Nikki :)

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