My Shirt {H.O}

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Summary: One day you are about to go for a walk when you notice something about the shirt Harrison is wearing

Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Warnings: None

Y/N Harrison

❀✿ ・゜゜・.** ・゜゜・.❀✿

-You and Harrison have been dating for a couple of years now, so you taking his clothes was nothing new

-You both were pretty much the same size soooo

-He wasn't surprised when you would be wearing his jumper or his shirt

-But it did surprise you when one day, you saw that Haz was actually wearing one of YOUR shirts

-See, you and haz both love plaid so you would often steal his flannels

-And being that you two live together, your clothes would be mixed in with his

-One day, you are getting ready to go out to walk around London with Monty and Harrison

-Looking for some clothes you notice that Harrison is wearing one of your flannels

-You laugh a little bit because while you always wear his shirts, you have never seen him wear one of yours

-Since your arms are skinnier than his, the sleeves accentuate his muscles A LOT

-Not that you were complaining

-Its been 30 minutes since Haz put on your shirt and he still hasn't noticed how the sleeves don't reach all the way to his wrists or how the shirt is more tight fitting than usual

-You keep laughing at him and he doesn't understand why

-This boy is getting so frustrated

-He thinks there is something on his face so he keeps checking it in the mirror every 5 minutes

-"LOVE, what is so funny?"

-At this point, you are laughing so hard you cant even get a word in, but you manage to say

-"You really don't know do you?"

-"Know WHAT?"

-You just look at him and laugh even harder than before

-This boy gives up on you and continues to get Monty ready for his walk

-Right before you are about to leave your flat, you decide to confront him about it



-"Is that my shirt?"

-That boy has the most confused look on his face and he looks down at the flannel and then back up at you

-"What? Not it's not love"

-The fact that he STILL doesn't notice makes it even funnier

-Laughing you say, "Um yes it is, I can tell because there's a button missing"

-"No this is mine, I know because the buttons are on the right side" he says while pointing to the buttons on the shirt

-"Babe, you seriously cant see how that shirt does not fit you, like at all?"

-"Y/N, this is my shirt. It was in my drawer so it must be mine"

-You see how flawed his logic is and just take Monty from him and continue to laugh at how dumb he can be sometimes

-"Whatever Osterfield, just don't get upset when people are cat calling you because you're wearing a women's shirt"

-You give him a soft kiss on the cheek and you guys finally leave the flat and start your walk

-And sure enough, Harrison is getting cat called by SO MANY different people

-"I told you so"

-"Shut up"

-Its fair to say that you never let him live this down

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