Finally (H.O)

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Summary: Tom urges you to finally tell Harrison how you feel, but you are hesitant to ruin the lifelong friendship you have.

Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Fem!Reader

Warnings: one swear word, angst but also fluff

❀✿ ・゜゜・.** ・゜゜・.❀✿

"Y/N you are going to have to tell him soon, you cant keep putting yourself through all this pain." Tom says to you from the kitchen as he prepares the popcorn for the movie.

"Don't you think I know that Tom? It kills me to see him come home every weekend with a different girl around his arm. I want nothing more than to be that girl, but I can't be, and you know that." You say sadly.

"Why not?" Tom questions. "You two are legit made for each other and I know for a fact he only brings those girls home to make you jealous."

"Harrison is my best friend Tom, and if I tell him I love him, it would ruin everything. The whole dynamic of our friend group would change, and I don't want that."

"Yeah but-"

"Enough Tom," you yell, "It kills me that I cant tell him how I really feel! That I cant tell him that he makes my heart race and that I want to cuddle him and shower him with kisses! He's the last thing I think about when I sleep and the first thing I think about when I wake, but he can never know that! So just drop it...please?" Tears start to stream down your face.

You've loved Harrison since you knew what the word meant, but you were too scared to tell him how you feel. You've been friends since you were kids and you couldn't imagine your life without him. You knew telling him that you were hopelessly in love with him would jeopardize all that, so you just pinned for him from afar and watched him date one girl after another, each one who wasn't you.

"Y/N... is all this true?" You jump off the couch as you turn towards the front door to see Harrison leaning up against the door frame with his arm crossed and his mouth agape.

"How long have you been standing there?" You stutter looking down at the floor as to hide your blushing red face.

"Long enough, now answer my question, is that true?" Harrison demands, slowly moving towards you.

"No! ... maybe.." You mumble. Harrison was standing in front of you now. He places one hand on your hip and the other under your chin to lift up your face so your looking into his deep blue eyes.God did you love those eyes. He cocks his eyebrow and smirks, you knew that look all too well as it usually meant he knew you were lying, which you had to do often around him.

Sighing and relaxing into his touch you say, "Okay yes its true, but you probably don't feel the same way and thats fine. I'll be fine. I mean why would you anyway? I'm me and your you and you're my best friend and I dont want to ruin that so ill be-"

And just then, before you could finish you incoherent rambling, Harrison cuts you off by crashing his lips onto yours. You were hesitant to kiss back at first, but surely enough, you allow yourself to relax into his soft kiss and boy was it amazing. His lips felt like pillows and tasted like cherry, mostly likely from his lip balm, but holy crap it was the most amazing kiss you've ever had.

After a couple of seconds, Harrison pulls away to rest your forehead against his. He quietly whispers onto your lips, "I love you too, so much." You grin as big as you can and kiss him again, this time a little harder and sweeter than the first, but still oh so good.

When you finally finish kissing, you stare into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds before you hear Tom scream in the background, "Fucking finally!"

The two of you laugh as you both quickly look back at him, but then turn back towards each other to simultaneously repeat Tom's words, "Finally."

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