Unfiltered Love {H.O}

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Summary: Harrison wants you to dress up for Halloween, but you are reluctant given the nature of your relationship.

Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Warnings: crying, tons tons tONS of fluff

❀✿ ・゜゜・.** ・゜゜・.❀✿

Y/N          Harrison

-Okay so you and Harrison haven't been dating long

-Maybe like 3 months 

-And you haven't told anybody about the relationship 

-Because fans can be real dicks sometimes and Harrison doesn't want to expose you to all that hate

-So you two keep it on the DL 

-Anyway, Halloween is coming up and you know Haz loves the holiday

-Even though everything about it terrifies him

-Let's be real, he mostly just enjoys the dressing up part of Halloween

-You, on the other hand, are a little reluctant to dress up

-Not because you don't love the holiday, it's actually your favorite

-But because you would want to do a couple's costume with Haz and you don't think he will go for it

-There would definitely be pictures taken at whatever party you go to and if you guys get photographed 

-Well there would be no denying you're couple and you'll be exposed

-Not that you would complain, you didn't see the point in keeping it hidden

-You already experienced hate just being Tom and Harrison's friend, so you knew how to deal with it

-Plus, you knew how to take care of yourself

-It's what Haz wanted though, and you were going to respect his wishes

-You couldn't deny that it made you upset however

-So much so that you didn't think you would want to dress up at all

-And Haz noticed

-"Love, don't tell me you're not dressing up for Halloween."

-"I don't know Haz, it's not really my thing" you lied

-"What are you talking about Y/N, you absolutely love Halloween and dressing up! You are constantly telling me about your Halloween's as a kid!"

-"Yeah, but-"

-"Like that time you went dressed up as a garbage bag because you lost your costume? Or when you went as a name tag that said clumsy? Or when you scared your mom so much she peed herself, that one always cracks me up-"


-Harrison eyes got wide and his jaw dropped to the floor

-He was in complete shockHe had never seen you yell like that

-So he knew something had to be wrong

-"Baby, what's going on? I've never heard you scream like that before. Is everything okay princess?"

-And for some reason, hearing him say that, and call you that, just makes you break

-You cry

-Oh boy do you cry

-You've never cried harder in your life

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