Dating Would Include {H.O}

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Summary: What dating Harrison would be like.

Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Warnings: swearing, fuckboy!haz, slight NSFW content

❀✿ ・゜゜・.** ・゜゜・.❀✿

- haz on the other hand

- oh boy haz

- he would be such a cheeky little bastard

- haz comes off kinda cocky very confident to me

- the moment he met you, he would have no problem coming up to you and starting a conversation

- when he saw something he wanted, nothing could get in his way

- his intentions for coming to talk to you was probably because he wanted a hot and quick fuck

- but jesus was he shooketh when he heard you speak

- you were so articulate and well-spoken and funny and he wasn't used to that

- most of the people he went for were "easy"

- but not you, you gave him a run for his money

- you challenged haz like no one ever challenged him before

- you two would have such intellectual and stimulating conversations

- he loved it

- so then when you two started hanging out

- he would fall more in love with you each time

- you were unlike anyone he ever met

- you were the only person to actually make haz nervous, something that rarely ever happened

- so much so in fact that he never properly asked you out

- one day, when he couldn't take the pain of not being with you anymore 

- he would kinda just blurt out that he was in love with you

- and that was the first time in your life he, or anyone, ever left you speechless

- you didn't know how to react, so you just crashed your lips into his

- and then haz, taking this as meaning you loved him too, would just smile and kiss you back, hard

- it would be HOT

- he would pick you up and pin you against the wall and kiss your neck and feel all up and down your body

- okay now im getting a little NSFW

- well anyway you can imagine what happens next

- so then you two would start dating, but wouldn't tell anybody, other than tom and harrison's family of course

- you guys didn't really see the point

- a relationship should be just between the two people in it

- it wasn't like you were trying to keep it hidden though, you just chose not to tell people the nature of it

- which was fine by both of you

- this no way stopped haz from being a cheeky boy with you though

- he'd probably give your butt little squeezes from time to time

- he'd have his hand in your back pocket, instead of the traditional holding hands

- when driving or out to eat somewhere, he would 100% have his hands on your thighs

- haz would be such a tease

- he would also always call you a dork or a nerd or something like that

- but he always meant it as a term of endearment

- haz would also be such a tickler

- god he would love to tickle you

- while he is a very physical boyfriend, he would be an emotional one too

- you were the only one he would let himself be vulnerable around

- on the outside haz would be a tough guy, but deep down you knew he was a little softie

- he also wouldn't say i love you a lot

- not because he doesn't feel it, but because the word love holds a lot of meaning to him

- so when he did say it, it meant that much more and was so special

- basically you would be his home and make him feel safe

- he didn't know what he would do without you

- haz wouldn't just be your boyfriend

- he would be your partner

- your love

- your soulmate

- you two would be forever intertwined

- now i'd like to order one harrison osterfield to go please?

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