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There are days I fall in love with you more

Days where you open up and share more freely

Days where you are smiling when you write

Days where you call me just to listen to me talk

Days where you snap your beautiful smile

Days where even the most random event you share

Days where we talk about everything effortlessly

Days like today where you radiate happiness

Days like yesterday where you show you have deep feelings

Days like tomorrow when you will call me again

Days where I hear you say I love you

Days where I can hold you in my arms

Days when you vent to me about what is troubling you

Days where you share your most intimate thoughts

Days you tell me about your deepest thoughts and fears

Days you tell me about your zoo

Days you let me say I love you

I can't say I fall in love with you more every day.

But I can without a doubt ... say that about today

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now