Efforts not in Vain

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It is crazy to know you have my heart

Even though we are so far apart

I know it is an impossible dream

For us to become a real live team

I want you to know that I will wait

And hope that we will have a date

Where we can finally be free

And you can say you love me

I long to know how you truly feel

To know that this love we have is real

It still feels like a fairy tale

Waiting for the love to be unveiled

Your heart I am always trying to melt

My poems are always genuine and heartfelt

I am always trying to make you see

That you and I are meant to be

Though it may not seem real now

I will work to win your heart somehow

Until that day you make me your choice

I will keep trying to share my voice

And let you know again and again

That all I time we are sharing together is not in vain.  

Poems of Love and LongingWhere stories live. Discover now