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An: hi sisters I'm warning you now there's a lot of rough sex involved and a whole lot of gay shit so if you feel uncomfortable with either of those things then don't read this chapter and don't say I didn't warn you.

We drove to the theatre and it was awkwardly quiet. Aubrey sat in the front while I sat in the back by myself.

"So Violet this is Aubrey and Aubrey this is Violet my best friend since elementary school"

"Well nice to meet you Violet"

She turned to look at me and smiled, she had such a beautiful smile a lot better than Ethan's that's for sure. The windows were suddenly tolled down, i realized I had been too focused in my thoughts.

"Nice to meet you too Aubrey" I smiled back

I noticed her bite her lip before turning back around, that's how I knew she was into me it was totally obvious now.

"So what movie are we going to see?" I asked

Cassie seemed happy but surprised that I was finally joining in on their conversations.

"We're not sure yet actually maybe I a scary one"

We finally arrived and decided to eat first, we walked around the stores before the started.

As we took our seats Aubrey got up from the opposite side of me and sat beside me, she looked at me and smiled again. I started to get that feeling again as if her smile had some sort of magic spell on me and I was in her power.

"So do you always just stare at people and basically droll all over yourself?" She asked

"Oh sorry" I laughed a little

"No don't be it's cute I could tell you're into me, but I'm also into you"

The movie was starting and everyone became quiet, Aubrey pulled a blanket out from her bag and threw half of it on me and the other half on cassie so all three of us were covered. I was so glad she brought the blanket because it was freezing in the theatre.

As the movie went on I felt her hand go higher and higher on my lap, she started to lightly rub my heat. I didn't realize it until then that I've missed the touch of another girl. Her hand was now in my pants slowly going in and out of me, I started shaking from her touch I needed to let out my moans but I couldn't.

She finally pulled her hand put and stared at me, she came closer and licked her fingers while whispering into my ear.

"Fuck you taste so good. Maybe I could finish off later"

I couldn't believe that just happened in front of Cassie and she didn't even realize what was going on, but I didn't regret it at all. It felt so good and I needed her to finish.

After the movies Aubrey had the idea of is spending the night at her house, I already knew what she was trying to do but I didn't care so I said yes. Cassie said she couldn't but she promised next time she would.

Aubrey came over to my house so I could pack some clothes, I made her wait down stairs so I could grab a few things surprise her with.

I went into my closet and reached for s box in the far right corner, I grabbed a launder set, a pair of handcuffs and a strap on dildo. I shoved everything in my bag and grabbed everything else I needed.

I went down stairs and Aubrey was sitting at the kitchen table on her phone waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" She asked as she looked up at me

"Yeah" I said with a grin on my face
An:well all the gay stuff will be in the next chapter

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