3. Killing Style?

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Slenderman - "Usually I only kill human children for food and I do it fast so they don't feel it, but sometimes people come in my forest and steal my pages and that makes me mad, so I kill them too. I use my tentacles to rip them apart. I know that sounds a bit overdramatic, but Sally makes those pages for me, so it makes me very angry when people take them."
Sally - "I trick people by saying 'Play with me..' so they think I'll be nice and then I use my ghost powers to scare them until they have a heart attack, but I don't like killing so I don't do it a lot! I only kill if it's someone who really deserves it, so what happened to me doesn't happen to another kid..."
Laughing Jack - "I kill human children because I absolutely hate those awful things! I say 'Want some candy, kiddo?' and they're almost always stupid enough to take it! Of course it's poison. Then I stuff them with more candy and hang them up on their wall for their parents to find. It's hilarious to see that reaction! It never gets old!"
Eyeless Jack - "I don't try to kill anyone. I usually just take a kidney while they're sleeping, stitch them back up, and go. However, some people's bodies don't do well with the surprise surgery, and they die. Doesn't really bother me when that happens anymore. It just means I get to take both!"
Ben Drowned - "I don't directly kill anyone. I just mess with their electronics until they can't take it anymore, and kill themselves. My favourite things to say are 'You shouldn't have done that.' And 'You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?' It's really fun to watch as people slowly lose control because of you."
Jeff the Killer - "Easy. I say 'Go. To. Sleep!' and then I stab them to death with my knife!"
Nina the Killer - "Same way as Jeff does! Except I changed it up a little, and I say "Go to sleep, my prince.' because I hope that Jeff will be listening and finally notice me as his perfect girlfriend!"
Homicidal Liu - "I don't kill people. Your mind might not, but our body sure does! I usually just stab people until they die. Oh, my name's Sully by the way. I'm this idiot's other personality. Sorry about him."
Clockwork - "I say 'Your time is up.', then I stab them. Damn, a whole lot of us use the same weapon, huh?"
Masky - "However and whoever Slenderman wants. My favourite method is hitting them in the head with rocks or a pipe."
Hoodie - "Same as Masky, but I prefer to use a gun. It's faster and I - I don't really like hurting people that much. It's just my job."
Ticci Toby - "With m-my hatchets. If I'm a-allowed, I'll s-set everything on fire t-too! That's a l-lot of f-fun!"
Kate the Chaser - "I just use whatever Slenderman tells me to use. Any method is good as long as it gets the job done."
Nurse Ann - "I use my chainsaw. I don't get to go out often because I pretty much always have to be on duty as the nurse here. I'm pretty busy with all the trouble these guys get up to."
Judge Angels - "I use my sword, but only on bad guys. I tell them 'I will sentence you...' then I say that they're 'Guilty.' and kill them. There's no reason to kill someone who doesn't deserve it. I wish some of the others here would realize that."
Bloody Painter - "I kill to get blood to use for my paintings. Normal paint just doesn't do it for me. I say 'Don't be excited about tomorrow, because there will be no tomorrow.' Then I stab them. I try to only kill bad people, but sometimes I don't have the patience to find them, and any blood will do."
Puppeteer - "I go to people who already feel depressed and alone. Then I make it worse until they just give up and give me permission to kill them, and I strangle them with my strings. I'm helping them escape their pain, is there really anything wrong with that?"
Zero - "I hit them with my giant hammer! Then I draw a number zero in their blood, so people will know it was me."
Kagekao - "Kill with claws. Have built-in weapons!"
Suicide Sadie - "Ghost powers or sometimes a knife. I only kill bullies, because they're what made me like this."

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