19. What Do You Think Of OCs?

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This was requested by My_Name_Is_Akai
Slenderman - "It is none of my concern what the humans do, as long as they're not actually trying to come here."
Sally - "I like some of them and I wanna play with them, but then slendy tells me they're not real..."
Laughing Jack - "I just don't understand them. When people create themselves to be like us, it's just really confusing. Why would you want to be like us? We fucking kill people, you do realize that right?"
Eyeless Jack - "You've gotta be kidding me... I don't like them at all. They make us into a joke. And why would people wanna be like us anyway? You humans wouldn't be able to go through what we do. You wouldn't last a day."
Ben Drowned - "I like them! A lot of people are really good at writing and art and I spend almost all my time on the internet anyway, so I see a lot of it and it gives me something to do."
Jeff the Killer - "Some of them are actually pretty cool, but can people please stop fucking copying me!? We've already got Nina and Jane too, we don't need any more fucking "the killer" creepypastas. I'm the only good one anyway!"
Nina the Killer - "I don't like them because that's what some people think I am. But I'm not! I'm just as real as anyone else here!"
Homicidal Liu - "A lot of the other guys don't like it, they think it makes a joke of our reality or whatever. I don't really care. Me either actually, even if the OCs suck, people will realize what we truly are when they run into us!"
Clockwork - "They're fucking stupid! You don't wanna be like us, trust me! And holy shit, some of them just plain suck!"
Masky - "They're bullshit. Most of them are overpowered nonsense and why on earth would you want to be one of us anyway!? Most of the time I don't even want to be one of us, and I fucking live here!"
Hoodie - "It's a little w-weird, but I don't mind it. It's a-actually kinda nice to see people that appreciate us, even though we are b-bad guys."
Ticci Toby - "I-I think it's k-kinda fun! I-I'd make o-one, but I- I'm already h-here so th-that's kinda p-pointless."
Kate the Chaser - "I don't really care. I know we're supposed to be scary, and some OCs are not very good at that, but it's not like it's a real problem. We've got bigger things to worry about."
Nurse Ann - "They're not real, so they're not our problem. I don't really care."
Judge Angels - "They make people think that living with us would be some big party all the time. Now they're not always wrong, sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not that good here at all..."
Bloody Painter - "I like seeing the artwork that people make for them. Some of them aren't very good, but hey, that comes with time. No one starts out perfect."
Puppeteer - "They're not bad on their own, but when people write stories about their OCs that have us in them, it gets everything twisted and people don't know what's real anymore. But then again, only we could ever really know who we are, so I guess it doesn't really matter."
Zero - "They're stupid. It's all just lies. Why would you create fake serial killers anyway!? How messed up are you?"
Kagekao - "They're cool. I'd hang out with a few of them."
Suicide Sadie - "It's good to get your feelings out by writing instead of actually snapping like most of the people here. And it keeps us from being forgotten, so I like them."

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