17. How Do You Feel About Christmas?

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Thank you to kawaiicittykat for this request!

Slenderman - "It's a lot of fun for everyone. I let the others decorate the mansion, and I send my proxies to buy the presents. I'd get them myself, but when you look like this, you can't exactly just walk into Walmart and start shopping."
Sally - "I love Christmas! I get presents from everyone! The people who live in the other mansions come to visit, like Jason the Toymaker and Slendy's brothers, and Slendy holds me up so I can put the star on the tree!"
Laughing Jack - "As I've said before, Christmas is not my favourite. It brings me bad memories of my past. That being said, I do still celebrate with the others. It's a lot better now that I'm giving and getting presents, rather than being the present."
Eyeless Jack - "Christmas is the one good thing about winter. We all take a break from being crazy killers and just spend time with each other. It almost makes me feel like I'm human again."
Ben Drowned - "Jeff calls me an elf, so that's annoying. But other than that, I like Christmas. I like giving everyone their presents and seeing them be happy. It's not so much about getting presents for me. I already hack every video game that comes out so I get a copy, so there's really nothing I want anyway!"
Jeff the Killer - "I'm gonna be honest with you here. I do not like Christmas. Slender makes us all take a break from killing, I have to get presents for everyone including Nina, and everyone's so damn happy it drives me even more insane than I already am. But I get presents too and I get to call Ben an elf, so I guess it's not all bad."
Nina the Killer - "It's one of the only days that Jeff actually has to talk to me! I love it! Also I get a present from him, and I get to pick out something perfect to give to him!"
Homicidal Liu - "I like it. It's one of the only things me and Sully can agree on. Yeah, Christmas is great!"
Clockwork - "Decorating the mansion and getting presents is great, but mostly I like throwing snowballs at Masky and Jeff. Merry Christmas, Assholes!"
Masky - "It's a lot of work to get ready for and it distracts from my missions. Honestly, why do a bunch of killers living in the woods need to celebrate Christmas, anyway?"
Hoodie - "I - I like it. Sure, it's a lot of work, but s-seeing the mansion all decorated and everyone so h-happy... it's perfect."
Ticci Toby - "Christmas is g-great! There's p-presents, and w-we get t-time off, a-and candy cane waffles! What's n-not to l-like!?"
Kate the Chaser - "I actually like getting sent out to do the Christmas shopping. It's fun to pick out what you think everyone will love, and see that you got it exactly right when they open it!"
Nurse Ann - "I love making Christmas cookies. Everyone else loves eating them. I have to hide a few before I put them out, or I'll never get any!"
Judge Angels - "I love decorating the tree! It's a lot of fun! And giving everyone presents is great too!"
Bloody Painter - "I like making the decorations for the mansion. I also like getting presents, because everyone knows to get me new art supplies and I can make a lot more stuff!"
Puppeteer - "I like singing along to Christmas music. I also like being able to spend time with everyone, and not just focus on killing. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just like taking a break every now and then."
Zero - "We all get together and have a big turkey dinner, like a real family would. It's an interesting thing for a bunch of serial killers to do, but it's nice anyway."
Kagekao - "Christmas is fun! One year I climbed the Christmas tree! Slendy didn't like that."
Suicide Sadie - "It's great. We all put up our stockings on the wall because there's not enough room for all of them by the fireplace. Then they're all full of candy on Christmas morning. It's kinda silly to still do that, because even Sally knows it's Slenderman filling them, but it is nice."

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