There before me stood that same little boy, but in teenager form. I knew it was him because of the way he greeted me.
"Hey, I'm Marilyn's brother," he said. I knew he didn't remember me or my name but that didn't really matter. His hazel eyes glistened in the lamp light-the light that shouldn't even have been on, but it's hard for me to draw in the dark. "You're Mary aren't you? Marilyn always talks about you and the guys told me you were with her," he continued.
"Yeah, I'm Mary. Aren't you Mike?" I asked, because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have even been sure it was that little boy I remembered.
"Um...yeah, how'd you know?" He sounded a little creeped out and I wanted to burst out laughing at his reaction. I explained to him on how we were friends as kids and how he threw a rock at my face once just because I stole his potato.
"That was YOU? I still can't believe you stole my potato!" We both started laughing like if we've been friends the whole time. Pierce, Jake, my sister, or the others didn't even pop into my head once in those hours I've been with my favorite eight, and now my favorite nine, adding Mike to the group.
When Marilyn woke up and said she felt normal, we walked to the bonfire. I greeted and hugged so many people I hadn't seen in a VERY long time. My uncle, my grandma, the chief who was a best friend to me, and all of my friends. We sat down and they immediately bombarded me with questions like "Where were you?" "Kevin told us about that Jake kid" "How'd you like Kristie?" I answered all of their questions honestly because, well, they were family. Then one of the little kids asked the most irritating question of all. It shouldn't have irritated me, but it did and I had no clue why.
"Do you know Kristie is Mike's ex girlfriend?" Roger, the little boy, asked. I turned to Mike who was sitting next to me. I had that 'oh really you didn't tell me that piece of information' face. He knew what my face meant, and he said "It's no big deal, we weren't serious, Roger. Everyone knows that we're nothing,"
Again, not knowing why, I felt better that he said they were nothing.

FantasyDanger is always lurking, even when you don't need it or want it. But being part of a death world doesn't make things necessarily easy-especially when you're on the run. But with one special person, all the pain will fade away-slowly but surely.