Chapter 22

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Everyone: my sister, Jake, Pierce, the fab 8, and everyone else that I had gotten into a problem with back in the woods were standing compacted together in the room. Some were holding happy birthday signs and some balloons. There was a crazy amount of balloons on the floor along with confetti and presents. I turned my head slightly to see Jake and Pierce looking like idiots holding up a cake that said "We're sorry" while my sister held a cake that said "Happy Birthday, we love you." I felt tears fill up my eyes. My face went hot. Just as the first tear fell, a powerful hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see my camp leader, holding a rusted, antique-looking key. He said,"Find the room that this belongs to, they'll be in there." And in that moment I knew what he meant: the room that that key belonged to was the room my parents were in. I looked at my unbiological dad as a reassurance if I could go, and he nodded yes. I dashed out of the room without even saying thank you to anyone or even smiling to them. I was happy with the surprise, but I didn't want to be. I didn't want to know who they were, I wanted to forget them and all the trouble they brought me. I wasn't Mary, the girl they made suffer. I was Amber now, and I was to make sure they knew that.

I ran from door to door trying to open them with the stupid key. None of them worked. About 30 minutes later I had gone through all of the dorms on the whole campsite. I started to think this was a trick. The whole party was a trick. It was a trick so they could see me cry. They set me up, planned the whole thing. They probably convinced the camp leader to lie to me and tell me my parents were here to make me miserable. To lure me back into the victim I used to be. They made me look like a fool. I was outraged. I heard a few steps behind me and I wiped the tears off my face. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of my suffering any longer. I stood up straight and looked in the way of the noise. I was literally prepared to cuss them out. Turning the corner was that idiot Jake, the one that broke my heart forever ago. The one that everyone chose over me. The guy that my sister chose over me. I immediately got up and started walking the other direction-away from him. I put my hood on as the rain started to pour. I popped out a cig and lit it.

I could still hear his footsteps following me. I wasn't sure if he was going to attempt to murder me or rape me, because he definitely wasn't trying to talk to me. He hadn't stopped me from walking away or even said my name once. I heard his footsteps grow nearer-he was walking faster. I picked up my pace growing more and more anxious. Why was this lunatic following me? I turned around, sick of walking, and faced him. He stopped in his tracks. His eyes were red, not vampire red, not high red, but more like crying red.

He was crying?

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