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A few days later...

After what happened in the practice room, Taehyung knew he was in trouble. It was too late, he had it bad for his adorable, dorky and yet somehow at the same time very sexy hyung.  Since then, he had avoided all possible interactions with the leader.

Most of the time, his mind was only filled with thoughts of Namjoon. It scared him how attracted he had become to the elder, he couldn't even talk to him without getting a little flustered.
He didn't want to confess because he knew that there was no chance that Joonie-hyung would ever return his feelings. Taehyung would always just be a younger brother in his eyes, nothing more.
And besides, Joon was smart, handsome and very talented. Compared to him, Taehyung was just Taehyung. Nobody special. His heart ached and he pouted a little as he thought of these things.

He was alone in his room, just laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice someone enter his room.
Suddenly, Taehyung was almost thrown off the bed because of a wild bunny jumping onto his bed.


"Oh hi Kookie!" Tae gave him his infamous boxy smile.

"Let's play Overwatch! We've been so busy lately that we haven't had the time to play in such a looooooonnnnnngggggg time. Can we please please please play right now??"

Who could resist the maknae's cute pout and puppy eyes? And that's how Taehyung found himself sitting on the couch in the living room, playing video games with Jungkook.
Atleast it distracted his mind from Namjoon, and just playing and fooling around felt good after the hectic few weeks they had had.


Namjoon sat in his room, trying to relax. It's hard being the leader of the biggest boyband in the world and it really took a toll on him sometimes. He was exhausted and just wanted to nap for sometime before dinner, but it's hard to do so when living in a dorm with 6 other young boys. Namjoon could hear the shouts from the living room, all the way up to his own room.
Now, he wasn't one to get so upset easily, but it had been a while since BTS had gotten a little break and he couldn't even rest properly.
Irritated, he sat up on his bed, ready to give the people causing the commotion a piece of his mind. He angrily got out of bed, and him being himself, tripped on his blanket and fell face first onto the floor.
Rubbing his nose, he huffed and got off the floor.
At least I didn't break anything.

He stomped all the way to the living, looking like a tall, angry toddler. 

He walked into the room, ready to shout at the youngsters but anything he was about to say was forgotten as he saw how cute the two looked.
Jungkook and Taehyung sat side by side on the couch, shouting at the screen of the TV as they played the game. For once they both just looked like two young boys and not world famous idols. Namjoon didn't have the heart to scold them and ruin the happy moment.

He sighed and decided to sit down on the empty space next to Taehyung. He hadn't seen Taehyung around in a while, it almost seemed like the younger was avoiding him, but that couldn't be it right?  Namjoon hadn't done anything to hurt the other, or had he? He missed his dongsaeng.

Joon plopped down onto the couch besides Taehyung, their knees touching slightly.  Tae jumped slightly, and turned to look at Namjoon.

"Hi Tae-Tae!" Namjoon gave him his adorable dimpled smile.
"H-h-hello hy-hyung."  Taehyung stuttered. He immediately turned away from Namjoon, facing the TV screen and refused to look at Namjoon's face.
How is he so cute????
He blindly played the game, not realising that he was sabotaging his own team.

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