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[Unedited] ashakjshjdh hi?

"I'm going to do it!"  Jungkook suddenly shouted from his spot on Taehyung's bed.

Taehyung and Jimin looked up from their place on the floor, where they were solving a puzzle. 

Jungkook was sitting up on the bed, and he was fist-pumping the air.

"Do what, Kookie?" Jimin asked. Jungkook turned to look at them.

"I've decided, I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell Yoongi I like him!" 

Immediately the two boys on the floor got up and jumped on the bed,

"Oh my god Jungkook are you serious!" 

"I'm so happy for you! Our baby Jungkookie has grown so much!" Jimin cooed, wiping fake tears from his eyes. 

"Shut up Jimin" Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

"But you're actually serious Kooks? You're actually going to do it?" Taehyung asked with his eyes wide. He was still feeling a little undecided about telling Namjoon his feelings.

"Aren't you scared of how he'll react? What about the company? Don't you think this could risk our career? Everything that we worked so hard for, it could all be ruined if someone found out. And what if hyung rejects you? It will be so awkward and could mess up the group dynamics. How are we going to deal with that?" Taehyung asked.

"Taehyung, calm down," Jimin said. Taehyung didn't realize but he had started breathing really hard. His vision was starting to get blurry as his own fears came up to the surface. It was as if he blanked out and couldn't make out anything that was going on around him.

"Tae!"  a pair of hands holding his face in his hands. 

"Hey hey hey, listen to my voice Tae." Taehyung's eyes came back into focus and Yoongi-hyung's face came into view. He took Tae's hand and placed in on his chest and slowly breathed in.

"Try to match your breathing to mine," he told him in a gentle voice. "Good job Tae, you're doing a very good job." 

After a few minutes, Taehyung was able to bring his breathing back to normal.  Yoongi moved away from Taehyung and looked at the other two maknaes in the room. Jimin and Jungkook looked very concerned for their friend. 

"What happened? What were you guys talking about that caused Taehyung to react like that?" Yoongi asked them.

Taehyung looked down, a blush covering his cheeks. Jungkook didn't look that good himself, his cheeks were a bright red, and he couldn't look at Yoongi. 

It was Jimin who spoke up, "Joon-hyung" he said simply. Yoongi nodded in understanding and looked at Taehyung. Taehyung still refused to look up. 

"I think... I think you should talk to Namjoon," Tae's eyes widened at his hyung's words and his head shot up to look at him.

"It won't be so bad. Joon-ah is very understanding and it will help you get it off your chest. And you may never know, he might even reciprocate your feelings" 

"But...but what abou-"

"Hey...you're just overthinking. It's okay. It isn't my place to talk for Namjoon so I won't say anything. I'm just saying that you should give it a chance. It's only going to get worse if you keep it inside. The more we repress our feelings the stronger they grow and the more difficult to deal with. Just think about it okay?"  Yoongi got off the bed and looked at the maknae-line. 

"I'm going to the studio now, remember to not be late for our dance practice at 5" He reminded them and left the room.

Taehyung thought about what his hyung said, staring at the floor, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. It did make sense...so should he go for it? It scared him to think about confessing. He had kept this to himself for so long, he was used to it. Kind of like how when you hold on to something so tightly in your fist that after some time your hand becomes numb and you can no longer feel it. The secret had become a part of him and he was scared of opening up his fingers and the pain that would come from letting go of something that he held on to so tightly. 

This could be risking his entire career if someone found out. Everything that he worked so hard could go away in an instant. He thought about Jungkook and his feelings. Jungkook loved Yoongi so much and it was so obvious that Yoongi returned those feelings. If they ever ended up together, they'd have to keep it a secret and it seemed that Yoongi and Jungkook were ready to do that if it meant them being happy and together. Did Taehyung love Namjoon enough to do that? 

Yes, he did. He loved Namjoon so much it pained him. His heart was so full of love for the other man. He imagined being with Namjoon like going on museum dates and walks in parks. He imagined intellectual conversations over a cup of coffee, cuddling on a couch and falling asleep on Joon's shoulder as he read out a book to Taehyung. 

Taehyung wanted to hold Namjoon's hand as more than a friend. He wanted to fall asleep on his chest knowing that his feelings are reciprocated. He wants to spend his days just basking in the feeling of loving someone so much and being equally loved back. He wanted that, goddamn it, he wanted it so bad. 

If what Yoongi-hyung was saying the truth then he really shouldn't be so afraid. He knew that Namjoon was understanding and wouldn't hate Taehyung if he didn't reciprocate his feelings. He'd even let Taehyung down slowly. He had already hurt Namjoon so much by just avoiding him, this was hurting their relationship as friends. He had to do something about it. If he's rejected he can at least focus on healing his broken heart and moving on. And if somehow Namjoon did feel the same as everyone insisted (though he highly doubted that) then he could have that happiness he wanted. Taehyung deserved that. Namjoon deserved that. Namjoon deserved to know why he was being avoided. Namjoon deserved to know that he was loved, that he made someone feel so amazing. If not for himself, then for Namjoon.

"What are you thinking aboutso hard Tae?" Jimin broke his trail of thoughts. Taehyung looked up at Jimin, his eyes set with determination.

"Jimin...how do you think Namjoon would like to be confessed to?"  Jimin's eyes lit up in excitement and Jungkook let out a squeal.

"Let's plan a double confess sesh" Jungkook said

"A what?" 

"A confession session"

"That sounds so boring, like going to church for your confession"

"Forgive me daddy I've been nau-"



welp...i'm back ig? sorry for the delay, high school is crazy sfsgha it's been like 4 weeks and i'm already drowning in a pile of work. so sorry for this shitty chapter. I havent been writing lately and so i feel like my writing has gotten worse shjshdjsh anygay I hope i didnt lose any readers because of my hiatus? comment a <3 if you've missed me and were waiting for an update (literally nobody comments cause im irrelevant sjdhjshdh) oh yea and in case y'all were wondering...i didnt do well in my exams so yea :))))

lmao i hate me.  life is kind of falling apart but i'll be okay ig.  

just please love yourselves, don't overwork, remember that you are loved and enough as you are. no matter what you do, there's always someone who loves you in this world. that someone is me. i love you, you're doing great and i see you and i appreciate you. 

welp, thats it ig.

Vote and comment please 💜
Don't forget to drink lots of water, eat properly, get good sleep and take care of yourselves💕💕💕💕

Lots of love,


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