9.5 (sugakookie;))

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[Untitled] skjskj this doesn't add to the taejoon plot and can be skipped if that is what you came for sorryyy

While Tae had gone to get Joon...

"I want to go and annoy Yoongi-hyung in his room" Jungkook said. 

He walked up to Yoongi's door and knocked before entering in without waiting for a confirmation. 

"Oi did I say that you could come in?" Yoongi was lying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. He was sitting in his pyjamas, a towel hung around his shoulders and his hair hung in wet strands dripping water onto the bed but he seemed unbothered.

"I'm glad that I just came in because hyungie!! It's so cold today and  you're going to get sick if you stay in wet hair," Jungkook scolded. 

Yoongi just shrugged and fell back on his bed, making his pillow also wet.

"Hyung!" Jungkook walked upto his hyung and grabbed his wrist, trying to pull him up but Yoongi resisted.

"Kookie, hyung is fine!" Yoongi whined like a child but Jungkook was not having it even if Yoongie looked adorable this way.

"Yoonie hyungie!! I'll dry your hair for you if you don't want to, I just don't want you to fall sick," Jungkook pleaded.

"Fine, you dry it," Yoongi huffed pretending to be annoyed even though he was happy at the thought of Jungkook drying his hair. 

Jungkook climbed onto the bed with his hyung and took the towel around him before he started the vigorous task of towel drying Yoongi's hair.  

He only stopped when he was satisfied with how much he was able to dry with a towel and looked at Yoongi's floppy damp hair. 

Yoongi turned around to smile at his dongsaeng, "Are you happy now?" 

"Yes," Jungkook looked pleased with himself, "Now hyungie looks very soft and floofy,"

"No, your hyung is a very dangerous dark man," 

"ok hyung" Jungkook teased nodding sarcastically

"What do you mean "okay hyung" huh" Yoongi tackled Jungkook making the younger boy squeal with laughter 

"Hyungie stop!" Jungkook's laughter rang throughout the room as Yoongi tickled him,

"I won't stop unless you agree that your hyung is a strong, manly, dangerous man who is not at all soft!" 

"Never!" That just caused Yoongi to tickle him harder. He only stopped when Jungkook's squirming got so much that he almost kicked Yoongi off the bed. 

Yoongi layed down next to Jungkook and for a moment there was only silence as they both stared up at the ceiling. The only sound was of the heater in the room and Jungkook's heavy breathing as he was still trying to catch his breath. 

Eventually Yoongi turned around to stare at Jungkook's side profile, "Why did you come here again Kook-ah, was there something you wanted?" he asked. 

Jungkook turned around to look at Yoongi, "Oh yeah, nothing actually. I came here to trouble you but you're the one who's troubling me!"  Jungkook complained

Yoongi chuckled, moving closer to Jungkook,  "That's what you get when you mess with me,"

"Move away creepy,I regret coming here," Jungkook weakly pushed Yoongi away and tried to get up but Yoongi grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back

"Don't you love your hyungie, Kookie?" 

"No I don't!" Jungkook stuck out his tongue at Yoongi. 

"Aish you brat! After I raised you so well you still continue to disrespect me,"

"Old grandpa, why should I respect you? It was Jin-hyung who raised me!" Jungkook shot back although he was resisting less to leave now.

"Yah!" Yoongi yelled, he pulled Jungkook back into his chest and squeezed him hard. 

"Ah! Hyung how is your tiny body  strong when I'm the one who works out a lot," 

"Call me tiny one more time, I dare you!" Yoongi squeezed Jungkook harder.

"Hyung! I can't breathe!" Yoongi let him go. 

"Served you right brat!"

"Hyungie is trying to kill me today," Jungkook wheezed out, then he turned to his hyung and smirked. 

"Hyung you could've just told me that you wanted to cuddle, you didn't have to pretend to  forcefully squeeze me to death,"

"Come here you brat, I'll show you what squeezing to death means," 

They spent the rest of the night like that, fooling around and cuddling before finally settling down beside each other in peaceful silence. 

"Sleep with me tonight kookie," Yoongi whispered into the quiet room.

"Ah...oh...okay," Jungkook was a bit surprised but agreed. They both fell into a comfortable silence again.

Jungkook took a deep breath and decided to break that silence, "Hyung,"

Yoongi hummed in response.  Jungkook turned to face him and decided to just say it, "Yoongi hyung, I like you," 

Ah I actually did it , Jungkook wanted to yell oh holy hell he had actually done it, oh my god. Jungkook shot up in bed, he refused to look at Yoongi and missed the little smile and fond look Yoongi was giving, a million apologies sitting at the tip of his tongue. 

"Oh my god hyun-" He was cut off by Yoongi pulling him back down for probably the 100th time that night. 

"Took you long enough Kookie," he said nuzzling his face into Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook let himself be held, too shocked to do anything. 

"You...you knew?" he said dumbly.

"Duh, I'm your genius suga hyung for a reason also you and Taehyung are so obvious it's frustrating," Yoongi replied 

"And you're not mad or disgusted?" Jungkook was still a little dumbfounded

"No! Why would I- oh! Haven't I been clear enough? Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook, I Min Yoongi like you too and a lot or at least enough to keep up with your obvious and oblivious ass"

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined, "If I knew earlier then I would've confessed earlier what the heck"

"Yes you're an idiot, but you're my idiot so I let it slide now let's cuddle and go to sleep,"

"Ew you're so cheesy, I take it back I don't like you anymore, who would've thought that the great Min Yoongi would be full of so much cheese?"  Jungkook  gagged and started pushing Yoongi away. This whole night had been Jungkook trying to get away from Yoongi while Yoongi held Jungkook hostage even though Jungkook had been the one to come to Yoongi's room in the first place.

"I may be full of cheese but I'm a good cuddly boyfriend,"  The word boyfriend was enough to shut Jungkook up and turn him into a blushing mess for the rest of the night. 

bruh i hate my writing 

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