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 Been a while hasn't it? soz i wasn't doing good mentally kjshds hope you're doing good though if you're still reading <3 Stay safe and take care!! I WROTE THIS 3 DAYS AGO AND LEFT IT UNPUBLISHED AND WAS SO SAD THAT  DIDN'T HAVE ANY READS IM SUCH A DUMBASS EYE- 

December in Seoul (before 2020 where everything went to trash :))

Taehyung stood outside the studio, bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet. Now that he was actually here and what was he supposed to do again? Right he was supposed bring back Namjoon-hyung home. He was so excited to see Joon again that he forgot to think about how exactly would he bring him back home.Should he just go for it and let adrenaline kick in or should he come up with a plan? 

He stood outside staring holes into the door for 5 more minutes. You know what? Let's do this.; Taehyung shut down his thoughts and stormed into the lab.

"Namjoon hyung!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. 

Namjoon sat at his computer, his noise cancelling headphones cancelling out the world. He still wasn't aware of the loud entry that Taehyung just made. But Taehyung wasn't done yet.

"Hyung!"  He ran up to Joon and bent down, popping his head in between his hyung's face and the screen. 

That seemed to have woken Namjoon out of his trance. 

"Oh my god what? Taehyung? Am I dreaming?"  Namjoon's eyes were bloodshot and his face looked exhausted. 

Taehyung took one look at his hyung's face and the adrenaline immediately wore off. His smile sunk and worry pooled in his eyes. 


"Huh?" Namjoon looked confused, "Did you say something?" Taehyung pulled himself up and plucked off the earphones from his hyung's ears. 

"wha-?" he looked startled

"Hyung please save your work and come home with me," Tae demanded.

"But I'm not done yet!" Namjoon protested

"I don't care, when was the last time you took a break? Hyung! You look half dead, I'm not going back without you" They both glared at each other for a while, neither refusing to give in. 

It was Taehyung who looked away first. He looked up at the ceiling as if praying,

"Ah seriously this hyung, if you don't do it, I'm going to do it myself," Tae reached out to save the file but Namjoon leaped forward to grab his hands

"No! I mean...fine I'll do it,"  he sighed in defeat. Taehyung broke into a wide boxy smile

"Thank you hyung!" Namjoon stared at Taehyung, even in the low light with only the computer screen lighting his face and his hair all mussed up by the wind and snow.

"You're so beautiful," the words were out of his mouth before he could even stop them but he didn't regret them because they were the truth. 

"ah-" Taehyung was obvioulsy not expecting thta as he started to blush a slight red. his lips parted in surprise before stretching into another smile but this time a bit shyer. 

"Hyung~!" he whined, 

"What was that for?" he questioned, looking away from Joon. 

"Because you deserve to know that," Namjoon answered while saving the file on his desktop and shutting it down. He looked up at Taehyung who was still looking away from him in embarrassment and chuckled.

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