-important please read-

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I'm sorry it's been so long, school had been hectic and now that things have calmed down a bit and I plan to start updating more now.
I just haven't been in the best state of mind lately and haven't had the motivation to do much. I have the whole story planned out and now that I'm a bit free, I have no other excuse than that I've been lazy and I've just been feeling...ew
I've just had a lot on my mind and there's stuff going on and I'm kinda all over the place at the moment and just argh.

There's just been this feeling of my writing not being good enough, of me not being good enough and other stuff I've been beating myself up over. It really sucks because I understand that drowning myself in self pity is not going to do anything and that I'm not really as bad as I think. I know I tend to judge myself much more harshly than if I was someone else and I know a lot of people tend to do that so I decided to make this, because sometimes you just feel ew and guess what? It's OKAY.

So this is for all you people who haven't been in the best state of mind and don't feel like they're enough. I see you, and I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you for being alive, for getting out of bed every morning and living through till the end. Remember, it may not seem like it, but there is atleast 1 person in this world who's just happy that you exist. Heck, I'm so happy that you're alive and you're here and you're reading this. I may not know you but in my heart, I hold nothing but love for you. You're doing so well and I'm so proud of you. Be kinder to yourself and remember no matter how alone you may be feeling,you are NOT alone. There's someone else, somewhere in the world who's feeling the same thing as you and it's OKAY to feel this way. I know how hard it can get and I understand that sometimes you may feel guilty for feeling this way but it's okay to not feel okay sometimes. What's not okay is that you beat yourself up for it. Talk to someone about it but don't beat yourself for it. Just know that in proud of you and I love you unconditionally.

I wish I could be one of those people who can say "PM me anytime, I'm always there to listen" but I can't because of life and other stuff. But remember, you can message me, I just can't guarantee that I'll always reply, but don't be afraid to come scream and rant in my inbox, I'll get back to you, no matter how long it takes. I'm here💜

I'm sorry im this way, with Jonghyun's death anniversary coming closer, I've been getting very emotional too and I just hope that this reached somebody who really needed it. I'm sorry for all the people who were looking forward to an update. I promise that next time, I'll update properly. I have something exciting planned for next chapter so stay tuned for that!

Till then,

Don't forget to drink lots of water, eat properly, get good sleep and take care of yourselves💕💕💕💕


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