Chapter 6.

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I sat back in the sofa and tried to act normal, picking up another slice of pizza to nibble on. My eyes still refused to focus on the TV and once again settled on the man beside me. He looked so at home, like he didn't have a care in the world. His ripped, skinny jeans hugged his thighs in the most perfect way, making me think really bad things.

I seriously needed to stop this train of thoughts. It was not okay to think of other men like that when you had a boyfriend. At least not men who you could actually act the thoughts out with.

"Cold pizza?" Harry mumbled as to not interrupt the film, temporarily freeing me from my dirty mind.

"Yeah, it's still good." I shrugged and pushed the box towards him. "Try it."

"Like I said; crazy," he chuckled but picked up a slice.

Turning my head to look at him, I saw him wrinkle his nose in doubt before he carefully took a small bite. Chewing and swallowing, a smile crept across his face. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" I said.

"Actually, no. We should've ordered more," he said and took a larger bite, leaving only the crust.

"Well, I'm good so you can have the rest."

We continued to eat in silence and I thought about how this day had gone from hell to something much better. Was it because of Harry? Despite his previous behaviour, it felt good to be around him. Almost like old times aside from the weird, tense feeling now resting between us.

I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, other than to blame it on attraction. We could be attracted to one another without feeling anything else, right? I used to have a crush on him, or whatever it was, but I hoped those feelings would stay buried for good.

"Ella?" Harry's voice spoke lowly close to my ear.

"Hmm?" I said, still wrapped up deep in my thoughts.

"I just asked you a question," he laughed, seeing my dazzled expression.

"Sorry, what?" I shook my head a bit, trying to clear it. Damn Harry and the way he made my mind wander.

Scooting a bit closer, he scratched his neck in a nervous manner. "I said; what have you been up to the last four years?"

"Oh. . ." I said, taken slightly aback. "Um, I started working at the café some months after you left. Cliché, I know. Anyway, I got my own place." I gestured around the room. "Then I met Adam, as you know, about a year ago. And that's about it." I shrugged, not liking how boring my life sounded. I didn't want Harry to know how much his leaving had ruined me.

"You enjoy working there? And your house is great," he smiled.

"Thanks, I love it. And I actually like my work, too. It may not seem much, but going to school is not something I'm considering at the time." I knew I eventually would have to decide what to do in the future, I couldn't work at a café for the rest of my life. But for now, I did enjoy my life. I liked living alone, feeling independent and all that.

Harry nodded slowly, searching my eyes. "That's good."

"What about you? Were you happy? Did your dreams come true?" The dreams of becoming an acknowledged singer/songwriter had always been there with him and he got the talent. Voice like an angel and very skilled with the guitar; I had no doubts he would succeed someday.

It was his turn to shrug, pursing his lips. "Nah, I came in contact with some people in the business but it didn't work out."

His vague answer infuriated me. "What really happened in New York, Harry?"

He clamped his mouth shut, lips forming a thin line. Folding his arms across his chest, he inhaled and exhaled equally slow. "I don't want to talk about it, Ella. There's really nothing to say. I failed and that's it."

Still, that didn't explain why he had forgotten about me. But I could clearly feel he wasn't going to say anything more about it, so I pushed the questions down. At least I'd gotten something out of him, that he did not get what he came there for. And I liked the way we had hung out tonight. I could get used to this; slowly getting to know the new Harry.

It would surely take me some time to forgive him. And I might not like what I would learn about him. But I still wanted to give him a chance. We used to be so close and honestly there was nothing stopping us from becoming close again.

Except that Adam wouldn't be too pleased. I knew that for a fact since the little incident at HES yesterday. Also there was the tiny matter that Harry had almost nearly briefly kissed me before. That wasn't something we used to do before as friends.

"Okay, I won't force you to talk about it but I want you to know that I'll be here if you change your mind," I said, hoping to build a bridge of some sort.

Harry glanced my way, his jade eyes slightly narrowed from still being guarded. However, he soon relaxed his features when he saw the sincerity on my face. "Thanks, Ella. But I'm sure that won't be necessary."

Rolling my eyes, I decided to ignore his mood. "Could we talk about New York, like not about what you did there, but about the city? How was it? Huge, right? And the shopping must've been amazing. I can't even imagine strolling through Central Park. Did you do that a lot?"

Laughing quietly, he twisted his hands around in his lap before he placed one over my own, interlacing our fingers. "I'd forgotten how eager you could get. I'll tell you everything about it, promise. But right now, I'm afraid I have to go."

Frowning and burning up from his touch, I pulled my hand away. "Why? It's just eight. I don't want to be alone," I said like a whiny little kid.

"I've got some things to take care of," he said bluntly, standing up.

I let out a frustrated sigh and stood up, facing him. "If you say so. Thanks for keeping me company at least for a while."

He smirked. "Oh, so now it's thank you and not shut up? I'm glad we're making progress."

"Just leave, Harry, before I regret the nice thoughts I just had of you." I started to push on his back, trying to steer him towards the door, when he turned around and gently grabbed my hands, pinning them to my sides.

He leaned in so close I could smell the scent from his shampoo, his curls tickling my face. His lips skimmed the surface of my cheek, trailing from the corner of my mouth to the side, before they pressed down below my ear.

"You shouldn't think nice things of me," he whispered. Then he turned around and left, leaving me perfectly breathless and confused.

Maybe he had a point. But the way he made me feel was nothing I could fight.

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