Chapter 19.

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"Oh my God, I'm never drinking gin again," Pam groaned from beside me on the bed.

We had gotten home very late last night and I could only agree with her. My head was pounding, body aching and my mouth felt drier than a desert. I reached out and grabbed the glass of water I somehow succeeded to fill up for myself when we got home.

It wasn't only physical pain I felt. The image of Heather and Harry kissing in front of me wouldn't go away and it made me nauseous. Her victorious smile when she saw me standing there told me she truly enjoyed making me suffer.

"I'm never drinking again," I yawned.

"How are you feeling?" Pam turned to her side and faced me, her eyes searching my face.

"I honestly don't know. I'm pissed because Heather seems to have it out for me and I want to be angry with Harry, too. But somehow I can't bring myself to, he can do whatever he wants. I'm not his and he's not mine."

"Yeah, I get that. He probably doesn't know about Heather and Adam. If he did and still decided to kiss her in front of you, well then he's just sick."

I started to nod my head in agreement, but stopped when the headache increased. "I need some ibuprofen before my head blows up."

Pam giggled and got up from bed. "You're such an amateur."

We spent the rest of the day slouching in front of various movies, cuddled up with blankets and snacks on the sofa. I was too hungover to even muster up the energy to think about last night and Pam didn't say anything else about it.

When my best friend had sobered up enough, she decided it was time to drive home to her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry this whole weekend were spent talking about and also experience my problems. I feel so bad for not asking how your life is going," I said as she gathered her things.

She smiled reassuringly. "Oh, please. That's why I came, babe. Next time, it might be you who gets to support me."

"Promise you'll ring if you need me. And we seriously have to see each other more often."

"I definitely agree." She pulled me in for one of her tight hugs and I felt my heart constrict. I would miss her.

"How's Max, by the way? Is he treating you well?" I'd never met her boyfriend, but from what she had told me, he seemed like a great lad.

"Absolutely. He's just been really busy with work lately, which is kind of annoying since we barely can find time to hang out. But other than that, he's pure husband material."

"I really hope I'll get to meet him soon," I said and stepped away from her embrace.

"You can come visit anytime you want, Ella. I might be busy with school, but I can always find time to squeeze you in."

We hugged once more and then she went out the door and I reluctantly closed it after her. I didn't want to be alone, afraid that my mind would start freaking out.

Exhaling slowly, I took a seat on the sofa and picked up my phone. As Pam said, I needed to set things straight with Adam. Or at least properly break it off, let him know that what he did was wrong and that I was done with our relationship.

I could never forgive him, but ignoring him might only do more harm than good. He had to know things were over, because I was sick of him constantly calling and texting.

Me: Can I see you Tuesday? We need to talk.

It took mere three seconds before his reply came.

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