Chapter 11.

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"I only brought one bagel with me from work but you can have it if you want." I tossed the paper bag on the kitchen counter, not particularly hungry anymore.

Harry stepped out of his shoes and frowned at me. "No? We can share. Just cut it in half."

"Fine," I huffed and grabbed a knife from the drawer.

Stepping up close behind me, Harry reached up to bring down two plates, his bicep brushing up against my shoulder. He seemed to keep it there a little longer than necessary, making me feel hot all over.

Crazy how a simple touch can affect you that much.

Taking a breath, I put the split bagel on the plates and shook the feelings of attraction towards him off.

"Do you have a beer or something?" he asked while grabbing the plates and walking over to the kitchen table.

"Um, I think I might have two." I opened the fridge and took the bottles out, popping the capsules before joining him at the table.

"Thanks," he murmured as I handed him one, mouth stuffed with food.

I took a long sip from the beer bottle, stealing a glance at Harry. I smirked upon seeing the sticks still clinging to his hair.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" he said, wiping his mouth.

"You could say that," I grinned.

"Is it gone?" he asked after furiously rubbing his hand across his face.

"Nope." I smiled wider.

He gave me a deadpan look and huffed. "Whatever."

"You have dirt on your left cheek and a bush in your hair," I giggled and pointed at his head with my bottle.

He smiled and picked out a leaf from behind his ear. "Ah, the vile plantation."

"I know right, it's a bitch trimming it every spring too," I said with a sigh.

"How come you're living in a house and not an apartment? I mean, it's really pretty and all, but isn't it expensive?" Harry cocked one eyebrow curiously.

I shook my head. "I inherited it from Nan when she passed last summer. My parents thought I was silly for moving in but honestly I needed to get away from them."

"I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. She was a lovely person," Harry said quietly, gazing into my eyes.

Nan had been my favourite person in the whole world and when she died my attitude towards my parents changed. They bugged me and I even hated them for some time. When they flat out told me I was being stupid for wanting to move into Nan's old house, I literally told them to fuck off. I know, maybe not the best thing to tell your parents. I wouldn't take it back, though.

Unexpected tears suddenly threatened to fall if I kept thinking about it. I took a bite from the bagel and swallowed hard before answering. "Thanks."

"What happened with your parents?" He pushed the plate aside, having eaten faster than I'd ever seen someone eat before. Leaning back and slinging his arm over the chair to his right, his body language showed me I had his full attention.

"They kept telling me to cheer up, that Nan wouldn't like to see me all sad and devastated. And then they kept arguing about this damn house, insisting I should sell it. Use the money for uni."

Harry took a sip of his beer. "And you didn't want to get rid of the last piece of your grandmother," he stated.

"Exactly. They just didn't understand how important it was for me to keep it. I've remodelled it completely, Adam helped with painting the walls and fix the floors. But it still reminds me of her."

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