Chapter 27.

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After saying goodbye to Pam on Thursday, all I could think about was that picture of her boyfriend and Cole. I felt worried when I thought of Cole being that close to Pam. I needed to tell her she should stay away from him, but how did I do that without sounding like a paranoid, crazy person?

When I got home, I put on some tea and sat down to try to clear my head. Maybe I should call Harry and ask him about it. But then I remembered he told me his boss was coming tonight. Better not interrupt.

I drank my tea in front of reruns of Skins until my eyes started to feel heavy. I dragged myself into the kitchen to clean up before I crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

I awoke in the middle of the night, darkness smouldering me like a thick blanket. I stirred and reached out for my phone, seeing it was only three in the morning. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, feeling unsettled for some reason.

Just as I was about to swing my legs over the edge of the bed to grab a glass of water, I heard a faint noise from what I assumed was my front porch. It was a creaking sound, much like the one occurring from stepping on the uneven plank before the front door.

I stiffened and held my breath, straining my ears. All I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart. After a couple of minutes, I got out off bed and crept closer to the window looking out over the porch.

Pulling the curtains away, I glanced over to the front door. Nothing. I quietly walked over to the door and checked that I locked it before going to bed, then I shook my head.

This whole Max-Cole situation had me more worked up than I'd known.

I drank two huge glasses of water before going back to bed, snuggling in deep. If only Harry had been here right now. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and was on the brink of falling asleep again when a loud knock had me shooting out of bed.

My eyes flew back and forth from the window to the hallway outside my bedroom. I had no weapon. Frowning at the ridiculous thought, I put on my sweaters and stood slowly. Why would I need a weapon?

I grabbed a fat book from my shelf either way, and tiptoed out in the hallway. Another knock broke the silence and I flinched. Who the hell was knocking on my door at this time of night?

Peeking out through the window, I released a breath when I noticed Harry's silhouette leaning against the porch rail.

I swung open the door, ready to yell at him for scaring me half to death.

"Harry, what the he—"

"Ellaaaa, baby, you look sooo. . . tired?" he giggled, his words almost coming out in slow motion.

I frowned, my pulse still beating furiously from the adrenaline coursing through my system.

Harry was pissed.

He swayed from side to side, looking like he would fall over any second. I grabbed his arm and tugged him inside, making him fall forward and onto me. I tried to keep him up but his heavy body pushed the both of us down to the floor.

I winced as the back of my head made contact with the wooden floor. "Ouch."

"Hmm. . . I've missed your smell," he mumbled and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Harry, get up. We can't lay here," I grunted under his weight.

"But I like it here," he slurred.

"I don't, so move. You're suffocating me."

He reluctantly pushed himself off me, clumsily rolling to the side and standing up.

I followed suit and hooked my arm in his, leading him to my bedroom. As soon as he plopped down on the bed, I started to undress him. He smelled like Whiskey and cigarettes, his eyes bloodshot and hair disheveled.

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