Chapter 29.

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Trying to compose myself, I stood up and tugged down my dress, my heart still racing from the realisation before. Harry strolled back in with Dylan and a red haired boy trotted behind him.

When Dylan saw me standing awkwardly in front of the sofa, he grinned. "Ella!"

He stalked over and hugged me tightly, forcing a squeak of surprise from my lips. I met Harry's eyes over his shoulder and much to my relief he didn't look angry.

I giggled and stepped back, feeling a bit insecure. I'd never really spoken to Dylan and he acted like we'd been friends forever.

"Hi, Dylan," I mumbled and let my eyes wander over to the other boy who was watching our exchange with an amused look.

Harry patted the ginger boy's back and chuckled. "Ella, this is Ted. I actually think you've met before but it was a long time ago."

I frowned as I fought to remember when I might've crossed paths with him. There was something familiar about him and a memory tugged at the back of my mind. I started laughing as it came back.

Ted's cheeks flushed and I felt bad, snapping my mouth shut. "I'm sorry, it's so nice seeing you again. How have you been?" I politely asked.

"Good, good. Better know though with Harry back," Ted smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"You better not pee your pants," Harry smirked.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry," Ted grumbled.

"Why would he pee his pants?" Dylan said confused.

Harry and I looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. Ted crossed his arms over his chest, clearly not amused anymore.

When Harry managed to stop laughing, he wiped away a couple of tears from his eyes. "When we were ten Ted had a major crush on this girl who was two years older than us. One day on lunch break I talked him into telling her how he felt and he almost puked from how nervous he was as he approached her. I didn't hear their exchange but when the girl stepped forward to hug him, he pissed himself."

Harry started roaring with laughter again, Dylan joining him. I pressed my lips together and shot Ted an apologetic look. I'd been there witnessing it all and it still hurt to think about the look of embarrassment on his face as he ran out of the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry," I mouthed to Ted, who sat down on the sofa with a sour look on his face.

"Whatever, I'm used to it since I'm hanging around these dipshits everyday," he said and smiled.

"Are you working at the club, too?" I asked curiously.

He nodded. "Well, I only started last week. But I've spent most of my time there since they opened."

"That's cool," I smiled.

"Sorry, man, but you made it too easy," Harry chuckled at sat down beside him.

"Sod off," Ted grinned.

Dylan went back to the hallway and reappeared with a case of Corona. "Anyone fancy a beer?"

Ted and Harry huffed simultaneously.

"Stop trying with the British accent, you American piece of shit," Harry snickered.

I laughed at their exchange, despite the harsh words it was easy to tell the three of them were close. Dylan handed out bottles to everyone after making sure we all saw how he managed to open them with his teeth.

Harry excused himself to call the pizza shack and put in our order and I watched his behind as he walked out of the room.

"Um, I need to use the bathroom," I mumbled to Ted and Dylan.

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