Chapter 23.

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You would think that after such a horrendous day I'd experienced, my only wish would be to sleep. But when I got home, I was all worked up and couldn't sit still. I had a feeling it was due to the fact that Harry was coming over.

I showered quickly to get rid of the smell from work, before I put on a pair of skinny black jeans and a knitted sweater. Gathering my hair into my hands, I made a loose braid and then I gave my eyelashes a couple of swipes with the mascara. I was nervous, excitement threatening to burst from my chest.

He was probably hungry, I should cook him something. Or maybe he had eaten at work. With a sigh, I walked into the kitchen and decided to make a quick meal of spaghetti and some prawns I'd bought a few days ago.

I hoped he liked seafood. Suddenly I couldn't remember what kind of food he usually preferred. What if he was allergic to anything? Shaking my head, I tried to get rid of the annoying thoughts. It was just Harry, I didn't have to stress about it.

As the sauce cooked away on the stove, I popped open a bottle of well-needed white wine. Taking a sip, the cool liquid flowed down my throat and instantly felt myself relax.

I made the table, avoiding to make it look like I'd tried too hard. Putting out a wine glass for Harry as well, I realised I had no idea where he lived and if he needed to drive to get home tonight.

Worst - or best - case scenario, he had to stay at my place. I could sleep on the sofa for one night, it was comfortable enough.

Just as I poured the water from the pasta, a knock sounded on the front door. I hissed as some of the boiling water hit my skin and quickly wiped it off, before I ran to open for him.

Harry stood on the porch, a tiny smirk etched to his lips. "Hi."

"Hi," I grinned.

He was looking insanely good. Was it possible he got even more handsome each passing day? Dressed in dark blue jeans, tighter than mine, and a basic black tee with the sleeves rolled up, he was picture perfect. The wild mess of his hair added to his charm and those mischievous green eyes could get anyone to swoon like a teenage girl.

He chuckled quietly. "Mind if I come inside?"

My cheeks warmed and I nodded, taking a step back. Caught staring, again. "I hope you're hungry, I've cooked."

"I'm starving. What are we having?" he smiled.

"Um, some spaghetti and prawns, I just threw something together," I mumbled insecurely as I watched him pull off his brown boots.

He rose to his full height, easily a head taller than me. When he walked over and put himself in front of me, I had to tilt my head back to be able to look him in the eyes.

"Mmm, can't wait," he said and licked his bottom lip slowly.

I didn't know if it was intentional or not, but the move was seductive and I recognised the sparks of warmth shooting through my body.

"C'mere," he urged with his arms open and I stepped forward to let him wrap them around me.

I inhaled deeply and another wave of relaxation hit me. His familiar scent had both had a calming and arousing effect on me. Years before I'd never thought of Harry in any other way than as I friend. But that had changed drastically for some reason.

I had never felt so attracted to someone as I did to him.

He hummed under his breath, the sound rumbling through his chest and stroked his hands down my spine. "I'm glad you finally can put everything about Adam behind you," he said quietly.

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