Chapter Five: "Dirty, Little, Secrets"

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   I looked at her, across the table... She had a fierce look in her eye... when she caught me glancing at her I saw a evil smile shoot across her face within seconds. Now I know we had a dark past.. When she told my parents that, I returned the favor telling her parents were she stored her pot, whisky and what ever else that bitch was on (In her dresser by the way). I guess we all have our secrets that bind us together...but secrets are dangerous, they are like weapons, they bring you close but tear you apart at the same time. 

    I tried to remain silent, ignore her as much as I could, yet she still came up to me. "Long time no see J" she said chewing gum. What do you want Katie?. "Awww is that anyway to treat your best friend" she said sarcastically. Get out of my face, you are not my best friend.... I hate you, you know that, why are you even back here!?. "Free world J.. And try to remember the good times Hun". Oh what like when you told my parents I suck dick and my dad beat me... fantastic. "OK Ok, you know I had a temper back then, I sincerely apologize" she said without meaning. No you don't, your lucky I lied to them. "What about you.. hmm.. you told my parents on me, that wasn't very mature now was it J". You don't know the meaning of mature Katie.. and it's a little thing called revenge. "I got to say I'm loving this new you, and I might just take you up on that.. hmm revenge sounds delightful, well I got to go J, I'm meeting with Angelina and Liz" she said walking out of the Library. 

    Kelly started going undercover in the popular girl group so she could tell me what was going on, she was smart not to trust them as much as I did. she told me a conversation they had at lunch, and they said things that were, well here's what happened. "So Liz, whats the deal with your best friend max?" Angelina said. "Oh nothing.. I can't really say" Liz mumbled. "Come on It's just us girls.. you can trust us Lizzy" said Angelina and Katie. "Fine.. he's gay but in the closet.." Liz said. "What about you Kelly Any deets on Jake". "Definitely, oh my god, this one time he told me that.. you can go fuck yourself.. funny, you think I'm going to sell out my own brother" Kelly said in disgust. "I think your pathetic Lizzy" Kelly said with anger walking away. "She's just mad cause I slept with her boyfriend" Liz said. "Well this has been just wonderful girls.. keep up the drama I adore it" said Angelina. Kelly told me this at dinner, I started to worry so I called Max.

    "What are you talking about your over exaggerating, look I know no one really like's Lizzy.. but she was there for me when I was going through tough times. Oh and I wasn't Max!?. She fucking told Angelina and the rest of the group that your gay!. "Look I know you don't like her.. but don't say something like that to try to ruin our friendship Jake.. whats gotten into you?" he said confused. Look you know I don't lie.. Kelly heard the whole thing..There plotting something Max... And your right in the middle of it. "Honestly your worrying about nothing Jake" max said hanging up the phone. I hate when he dosen't believe me. Max told Lizzy everything.. from how he was molested... and thrown out the house, all of his secrets were on the line and I could sense something about to happen. 

   The next day at school I realize them talking even more.. And as I walked past I heard Max, Kelly, Jake.. All of our names. I ignored it.. And went to class, after all I still had to hand in my homework..Worrying about these girls, I forgot to earlier. I derided to call Danny and Kelly to meet me at his house so we can talk about this thoroughly after all time was not on our side. Danny never picked up his phone, so me and Kelly just talked about it in our house in her room. "Jake, I know you know something is going on, tell me what you think is going to happen" she said eagerly. Kell... I think there plotting revenge. "Revenge for what.. we never did anything to them". Look I don't understand why Angelina is involved.. but, Katie hates my guts.. It would make so much sense for her to want revenge after what I did. 

   "Do you really think that they would do that though and why target Max" she said frustrated. I Don't know, he never made any enemies, that I know of. Maybe he's right we might be over thinking it, girls talk, gossip, lie, It's what keeps them from being bored."No I think this is more than just that Jake you said so yourself.. Don't loose sight on whats in the dark..Because the more you can't see, the more vulnerable it makes you" Kelly explained. Danny called me at this moment and I decided to take the call. 

  Kelly.. I'll be right back (walking to the balcony). Why weren't you answering your phone Danny that's not like you. "I fucked her bro...And I got information". "She's your sister" he said in shock. I knew who he was talking about at an instant but I was frozen. "She's trying to take Max down and out of your life.. I don't know why, how, or even when, but look out bro she's been planning for a long time, that's all I know. You know Katie's back...right?. "Shit.. Fuck man why didn't you tell me!. I tried to talk to you about it, I can't believe you haven't ran into her yet. "I hate her as much as you do.. you know what she did right.. We were in love man" he said starting to cry. I knew something was wrong, terribly wrong, he never cries. "She fucked killed it man" he said sobbing. "Our baby.. She got an abortion because she wasn't ready.. man... I fucking loved her" he said with his voice braking. I drove over to his house and hugged him as fast as I could. 

   It's OK... It's going to be OK Danny. Listen when shit goes down.. I'll be right by your side.. I love you Danny. Then... it happened. He kissed me and I didn't stop him.. It was wrong but right at the same time. "I love you too Jakey" he said crying into my shoulder. I went home after thinking about that kiss, if it was a mistake or a long a waited moment of truth. Kelly... "Yeah Jake" Kelly replied sounding stressed. This is going to be one hell of a year.

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