Chapter Nine: "The Special One From The Land Of White"

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"Come on guy's were on" I said telling them to follow me on stage. We were outside because the stage inside wasn't ready for we had to use the one outside and well improvise...I liked it out here better...It felt better. "And the Man said to the sheep come with thy flock by thy side of man...venture onward to the birth of the new born king" A person playing the sheep herder said. Danny was trying not to laugh in his costume.. It was hard for him.. sometimes he's just so immature. It was almost my turn to go center stage and then clouds rolled in. It suddenly dropped from 62 degrees to 29 within minutes... Snow began to fall.. But a moment ago the sun was out and the sky's were clear it made no seance to anyone. The show was put on pause immediately... Even though that's like not suppose to happen, like ever!. "What do u think is happening... A freak storm?" Danny asked me and Kelly. We both didn't know how to answer him...I know she sensed something off about this.. I'm sure he did to... He just dosn't want to sound crazy much like us...hence us remaining silent. We saw a figure walking through the snow...I could see his vicious blue eye's shine through the smoke and distractions. The person kept walking closer and closer as he got closer the storm would calm and start to die out.

"Hello everyone..." The unknown boy said. I'm just as confused as you are on this weather its freaky huh... I guess coincidences and all that" He spoke without a hint of being botherd by the freezing temperatures. "Who is this guy" Danny said. I'm still in shock.. his eye's pierced my soul it felt so painful to look away..what I was seeing was nothing less than perfection.. It was as though time stopped and he was there... only him. Angelina was back in school today and I knew it had something to do with his arrival... It's just to weird. She was so scared I never seen her so fearful, she looked like she seen a ghost pass though her. "Well I should introduce myself I suppose... My name is Stephen" He said sounding brisk. He was looking dead at me and I was speechless... He asked for my name but I was to busy In my own head to think to answer him right away. "Okay I'll ask again... What's your name" He asked sounding kind. "Oh umm I'm so sorry, I'm Jake" I said nervously. "What a nice name... I would like to get to know you Jake" He said grinning with good radiating from him. Angelina remained speechless and frozen at the face of this person. "Oh.. I guess I would like to get to know you as well" I said. "This is my sister Kelly, and my umm I don't know what me and Danny are" I said confused. "I'm his boyfriend" Danny said with passion and jealousy. "Well I'ts nice to meet you both" Stephen said happily. "And who is this beautiful person that stands before me?" Stephen asked. "I'm Kelly" Kelly said blushing, it was hard to resist even for her and she never blushes.

About month passed it's now November 20th... I started getting depressed like really depressed and eventually started cutting myself... I wore bracelets to hide the cuts but it couln't hide them forever... With everything that's been going on...Max's death...It just threw me into a depression, Angelina remained quiet for a while until last week. She came over and gloated on how sad I looked and how I'm all alone now...I hate her so much, why would she do this to her own blood... to her brother. She saw the scars on my wrists and made fun of me yesterday. I later went to Danny's house and talked to him. "Jake... show me your wrist" he said with a serious tone in his voice. I held my arm back in hesitation he saw me look down and slowly show him my arm, when he pulled off the bracelets he smacked me. "Don't you ever do this to yourself... I Love you and I can't stand seeing you like this.... In pain especially self inflicted" He said sounding disappointed and almost crying. He then held me for a while I cried in his arms... confessing all of my feelings and my pain he just held me tighter and tighter and wiped my tears away from my face. I then left and started talking to Stephen again. Even angel's have flaws I thought to myself as I seen the sorrow in his perfect eyes.... all he hidden emotions he had I could see them and I felt them. I felt so bad for him and all others who faced such tragedy in there lives such as myself..the pain we go through, the pain Kelly goes through, Danny ugh.. I wish i could take it all upon myself... away from them. The feeling of anguish, I'm so accustomed to it... it's almost calming in a sense.

November 27th... a week passed, everyone is just so quiet. It almost seems like black and white... no emotion. It was 3rd period and the classroom fell blank...everyone was silent, it was almost eerie. The only one to have a smile on his face was st... I couln't even find myself to say his name.. and when I did I got the chills. "Hi Jake.." Stephen said noticing me staring. I said hi and then hurried to my next class avoiding the rest of the conversation.. I didn't feel like talking to him I was scared. I ended up meeting with Danny after school to do a project Kelly was there too. "Hey Kelly are you done catching up on the research, Me and Danny wanna finish the poster." I asked Impatiently. "Yeah.. 1 second." she said walking over. Suddenly the lights went out and we heard strange noises. "What was that?" Danny asked... "I don't know.. then I heard my favorite song playing the one that was playing the first time me and max kissed. In the hall's the light's in the school blew and sparks flew everywhere. I heard the music.. we heard it louder and louder. "Danny.. DANNY!.. DANNY WHERE ARE YOU!?... he had disappeared. The only one who new that song was me and Max. I saw words of blood on the wall saying.. "Guess who Assholes." Danny was walking damaged with someone carrying him.. I saw those wings and everything got cold. Stephen.. It was Stephen who saved my love. "DANNY!!!!." I yelled screaming and running. "ARE YOU OKAY!?." "Yeah I'm fine Jakey.. don't worry." he said bleeding. "WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked almost begging for an answer. "I.. I don't know Jakey." Stephen held his hands over his wounds and his blue eyes glowed and turned to a color such as crystals.. like a Siberian husky and Danny got better. "Oh.. my god... Ho... How did you.." I said astonished I couldn't even speak. "There are things you don't know Jake and there are thing's you can't believe" Stephen said sounding confident and strong. Kelly was silent she couldn't believe it any more than I could even comprehend it. "You see I'm from the land of the white...And I'm here for a reason. The room fell silent.. the air sharpened and was as cold as ice in a frozen wonderland.

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