Chapter Seven: "All Good Boys Go To Heaven"

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------------------------------------------ FROM MAX'S PERSPECTIVE---------------------------------------------

"Where am I, Is this a dream..what is this place" I said confused. As I look around I see....I don't know what I see, everything's black. Suddenly the black emptiness, It faded to white. "Welcome to purgatory Max" a faded vision said with a ghostly voice. "I'm...I'm dead,but the last thing I remember.....Jake was holding me. "You died and it was not your time so we are sending you back". "Wait I have so many questions, you can't just send me back!" I said frantically. I noticed I was slowly fading away so I grabbed onto the white sand beneath me. As I faded away it turned black and I heard that ghostly voice shouting.. It sounded like "NO!, you can't take that with you its power belongs here!" it said with anger. I was gone by the time he could stop me. It kept me there in a completely different area for a while, but this place was a little different it was warmer and the sand was blood red, There was a sun but it was black yet it gave off a effervescent light. The sky was black and did the same, my name was written in the sand thousands of times I didn't know what to do, was this all because I picked up some white sand. There were instructions writing themselves in the sand I was always Scared when I was alive but now I don't feel fear.. "Does it not exist in this place" I asked myself. The sand now spelled "Max Cullen, Mix the red sand with the sand that you obtained, the sand that turned black when u grasped it, then you will notice that it turned to clay, mold it into the image you see before you.

What I saw was the object I held dearest to me in my past life. It was the first thing Jake..ever gave me. It was a piece of candy, a special one. I molded the clay into it and it shined and glowed. The sand then wrote "Eat it max...Eat it". I listened and ate it, I felt strange and started feeling my body changing, I felt different. The sand grew a mirror and showed me what I looked like now, My eye's that were blue are now Glowing red, my hair is as black as a crow, I grew stronger and stronger and got sexier. Overtime I kept listening to the sand, and it did me wonders, I was a completely different person now, and I loved it. I no longer felt weak or incapable, dainty, and waiting for someone to save me. I stayed there longer and longer the sand was training me to become what I wanted to become, I never asked questions, I loved it to much to question it. I started fading again and I let it fade me away into the sand I sank down without breathing, without struggling, without fighting. I woke up this time I was on silver sand, I thought to myself whats gonna happen now?. A figure appeared Out of a molded silver sand sculpture. "Max you have no idea what power you will hold going back to the regular plane". "You mean back to my past life I asked. "Yes and no, you will go back as the same person but better, stronger, and with much more power not known to that world. "We need to teach you how to use it, how to act, how to become what you want so that Jake will love you again". I fell into shock how do they know my feelings, my desires, and my ambitions.

"When will I return" I said sounding strong and persistent. "Soon you see you will return as a dark walker". "There is currently only one in existence her name is Angelina" the figure said. "Angelina" I said grinding my teeth with hatred. "You see she was a messenger we wanted you and a few others to bring in the new world order". "Some message, the bitch led me into suicide" I said boiling with rage. "You need to learn how to master your hatred and anger and use it, send it to your heart and feel that burning sensation. "I understand" I said taking a deep breath. This will be easy considering how much I hate her already. I sank into the sand again. This time I arose out of a gold sand and had to preform many trials. After words I met another person in this place that was with me there name was Timmy. Timmy was training along with me, he liked me as a friend, somehow with all the hatred we both carried, all the hatred that birthed us, somehow we still had love and kindness in our hearts. For a while we started talking about our plans what we would do when we got out of this place, if we indeed got out and what direction we would be headed in. After what seemed like forever we started talking and we decided we were going to meet again once we are living again.

----------------------------------------------TIMOTHY'S PERSPECTIVE---------------------------------------------

Waking up I realize I'm dead. My body is transparent and I'm floating upward I still don't know what's going on...but I remember everything. I was coming home from school and some one tripped me, I was alone it was dark and late outside. It happened to be a couple of bullies from my school that hated and tormented me. We were standing near a pool not far from my house or the school. "So what you little punk, running into us today wasn't enough you had the nerve to humiliate us in front of everyone" the bully said angry as he punched me. "Yeah you little shit you think that was funny?. "........" I was silent. I manged to kick one of them and punch the other, but the last guy knocked me out and kicked me to the ground. I was laughing and bleeding in pain and that bothered them even more. "What's so funny pussy"? they said punching even more violently. They kicked me and kicked me and I fell into the pool. The pool ran red with my blood, I saw them running away I was drowning but my eyes stayed wide open. All the pain they inflected on me for the longest of time. I would wake up, go to school and have them wale on me. My life flashed before my eyes from the first girl I liked to the girl I loved.

I finally float up and brake through a sand like barrier and I am now standing in white sand. "Welcome Timothy... to purgatory" a ghostly vision said. Later on I passed through multiple sand barriers and learned more and more I picked up the white and and it turned black, then I absorbed it and got its power and brought it with me. I want revenge on them and make them pay for what they did to me, it will be the only thing I live for. Later on I met a boy named max... After he told me his plan we talked and talked then agreed on our plan after we got done with our individual plans and that gave my life more purpose.

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