Chapter Eight: "Funeral"

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    Soon after that conversation with Kelly we went to Danny's house to plan a wake for Max. His parents weren't going to show, considering that they found out there child was gay and they kicked him out just for thinking that, they must hate him now and rejoice because of his death.....what sick people...I'm so sorry Max had them for parents. "Danny..." I said still clearly effected by the sadness of loosing someone you love. "Yeah Jake?" he said sounding with a tint of brokenness. "Let's get these pictures of Max to the open casket it's almost time for everyone to arrive and I want everything to be ready, we still have to pick the best picture and display it next to him" I Said remaining strong and steady. It still hit me how he started saying my name in this way, it reminds me of Max....I don't hate it, In fact I kind of like it but....It's not the Danny I'm used to. "What about this one Danny..wait were's Kelly she was here when we got here. "Do u want me to go look for her Jake?" Danny said placing one hand on my shoulder and looking me in the eyes. I nodded, thinking about so many things at once I couldn't even speak, what with the people arriving in a few minutes. the fact that he's really gone. (Tears ran down my face) "hey Kell, you doing alright....I know with everything that has happened, I don't expect you to be on the up and up". Danny said to Kelly sitting next to her. "I'm fine Daniel...It's nothing, Angelina really got to us all of us.... I don't get it why is she getting revenge on us...I thought she hated our parents...unless she's trying to push us all into hurt our parents, but thats idiotic and crazy" Kelly said breathing off track. "I don't know but we can't let her win...and she isn't going to" Danny said sounding stronger and stronger. "Come inside Kelly people are starting to arrive now, and we should be there first for respect and everything" he said grabbing her hand. "Okay...lets go Daniel" she said sounding stronger than before.

      A old woman walked in.... and she had a black veil on her face but she wore all red. The only person.. that wore this shiny blood red dress was...and that shade of lip stick...that's all we could see. It came to the point were everyone would speak there mind about Max reminisce, so far the people here were me, Kelly, Danny, Lizzy, Katie, the women in red and one more person dressed in silk white also with a veil. "I'd like to say a few words..." Kelley said with power in her voice. "Max was one of my best friends, I definitely held him close to my heart...the life he didn't deserve to end not so soon...not like this....I wish he could have lived different and it could have been different, losing an angel so soon was a terrible tragedy..he will be missed and forever in my heart" Kelly said looking at everyone like she was giving words in every direction. Danny started speaking soon after her. "Max was a good guy....he really didn't need to leave this world...we could have helped him.. unfortunately his choice is final and we miss him every second we are alive...from the moment I first met Max... he was happy and caring, so passionate about everything... he was a nice guy I wish he could be here now..he didn't deserve such a short life..I will remember him forever and he will lie in my heart as well. After Danny's speech the room fell silent. but suddenly the woman in red got up and stood there at the podium for a good 5 minutes before speaking. She took the veil from her face and the room fell in shock. "My son was....he was a good boy....Feel horrible for treating him the way I did....I should have stopped his father from beating him...but my judgment was so clouded on the fact that homosexuality is wrong....I was disgusted in my own son...and I now know how wrong I is love and he was a good person that's all that matters but now its to late..that won't bring him back" she said crying. That was the end of the speeches, everyone just left except for me, Danny, Kelly, and that one person dressed in silk white.

     The next day we took the casket and had a funeral for Max it all happened so slow it felt like time was frozen. "Today we gather together to morn the loss of a dear child, friend, and partner among other things, he was taken from us far to young, and he has a special place in heaven" Said the priest as he gave his speech. Max's mom never showed to the funeral only the wake...I don't think she could stand having to say goodbye to her son forever, never the less watch him be buried. After we all left we went to school and mostly everyone was present expect for Angelina. I thought it was a little weird but no one else seemed to pay any mind so I brushed it off. Lunch came around and she was still a no show. Lizzy came over and sat next to Kelly, Danny, and me and just started balling her eye's out apologizing. She was the one to give all of Max's secrets to Angelina and she was the one to let it leak that he was gay and with me. I looked at her disgusted and so did everyone else except for Kell...She starred her in the face and said "I hope you are the reason your so called best friend took his own life...and the people you effected around it...I hope your proud and happy with your decision". I was silent we all know we agreed with her but we remained silent, Lizz walked away in shame and shambles.

     About a week past...Angelina was still not in school it was nearing the end of December....time went by so fast to think Max died a week ago....we are all still devastated but were are moving past the state were we just can't do anything...He would have wanted us to move on with out lives. I miss him so much...I know we ended on a bad note but still I loved him. Christmas is right around the corner.. with everything that has been happening I almost...we almost forgot. I quickly ran to Danny's to meet up with Kelly and him studying. "Guys!!!!, do you know whats coming up in a few days!?" I said yelling with excitement and then a wave of sadness coming instinctively after. "What?" they both said. "CHRISTMAS!!!!" I told them like I was using my words as a weapon attacking them. "Shit it's the first one without....max, are you going to be okay Jake" Kelly said sympathetically. "I'll be fine...He's probably celebrating in heaven as we speak of it or planning to" I said full of hope and relief. "I think the school is holding a Christmas holiday drama thing.. you know with acting and stuff" Danny said holding in his slight laughs. "Well I think we should do it!.... it could be a nice distraction from everything that has happened and all that" Kelly said rushing the words past her lips. "I....guess it could be a fun thing to do" I said unsure. "Oh come on Jakey... we all know how much you just love acting" Danny pushes into me and hugs me tight kissing me on my cheek. "What's that's suppose to mean hmm" I said countering his sarcasm. "Oh nothing...well if u don't think u can do it no shame in feeling inadequate..."Danny winks and smiles. "Shut up" I say punching him playfully. "I can do it easy no problem" I said lying through my teeth. "You sure Jake....I mean u did good in second grade and fith but that was way long ago" Kelly said. "Stop worrying I'm sure my Jakey can handle it" He said with confidence. "Can't you Jakey" He said looking me in my eyes. "Ummm yeah what he said" I said starting to come back to the reality we escaped.

      It was Christmas day now and we exchanged gifts...It felt a little lonesome like someone was missing... that someone of course being Max. The play was the 30th of this month we had only 5 day's to prepare.. we only had small role's considering how late we registered..understandable of course. Danny was a Sheppard how cute...Kelly was a witness...and I..I was one of the wise men following the north star. "So five day's.... we can do this guy's" Kelly said enthusiastically. "I don't know I feel like something gonna happen..something always does. "Well what could possibly go wrong now? hmm" Danny asked. "What can't Danny.. I replayed with force. "You know it's gonna sunny the 30th...It's also going to be hotter than most day's...hmm weird" Danny said. "I don't have time to pay attention or be bothered by the weather" Me and Kelly said at the same time. "Well will see what happens...let''s just hope everything goes as planned" I said sighing.

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