4 • Gray - Panic

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Ellas POV
I gently jogged up the stairs, following the directions James gave me. I was lightly chewing on the sleeve of my jumper, whilst walking through the corridor.

James' bedroom door was slightly open, so I walked in, looking for his charger. I spotted one to the right of his bed, plugged into an outlet in the wall. I went to lean over and grab it, but then my brain snapped into realisation.

Forty minutes.

I went out of his room, turning towards the bathroom.

I lightly tapped on the door, once again trembling - confused about what was happening.

Once I didn't receive a reply, I opened the door slowly and peaked my head around the door,

Grayson was laying on the floor, shaking, crying, and he was struggling to breathe.

I immediately stopped my thoughts and walked fast over to Grays side. I didn't know him too well, but I knew what was happening better than anything.

'Grayson it's Ella. You're okay. Breathe.'

He tried to sit up but he was shaking like crazy, laying on the floor struggling for air. I saw his eyes turn to look at me and I realised that was the only thing he could control.

I quickly went over to his ear, rubbing his arm.

'Gray, breath with me. In, out. In, and out. In, and out.'

I repeated this for about a minute, he was still shaking like mad but he was finally able to breathe.

He was crying even more now, completely terrified of what was happening. I knew it wasn't the first time this had happened to him, and I doubt it'll be the last.

'It's okay. I've got you buddy. Just breathe.'

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him, hugging him.

I hesitated - but decided to hug him back. I could feel his warm tears covering my shoulder as I was holding his trembling body.

I felt him gently stroke my hair on my back, as he was almost breathing normally.

'What..if somebody.. what if they make a minute video about me'

Gray said, words broken by shaky breathes, tears flooding his cheeks.

'You're okay Grayson, I'm not going anywhere. You're okay. I'm here.'

I kept repeating over and over.

I suddenly heard the stairs squeak loudly, and before I knew it Ethan was running into the bathroom, obviously realising why Gray had disappeared for  just over an hour.

He ran over to Gray, grabbing his brothers hand.

'Gray I'm sorry oh my god. You're okay Gray breathe gray just breathe.'

I tried to move out the way but Grayson only gripped me tighter, burying his face into my neck, hiding himself in my shoulder.

Ethan looked at me an mouthed

'Thank you. So much.'

E had a few tears forming in his eyes at his obvious worry for his brother.

'You're okay.'

I said to Grayson, but mainly so Ethan knew that he was okay. He was going to be okay.

'You're okay'
I whispered in his ear, and he slowly let me go.

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