19 • Begging

139 7 1

Graysons POV

Me and E, E and I, what the fuck ever.

We both walked in our spare bathroom to a rather stressed James - and a sleeping Ella? I look between the two of them frantically, at El, at James, back at El, back at James.

I looked back at Ethan, who was doing the exact same thing from the bathroom door.

We looked like we were watching a tennis match - but instead, we were just heavily confused.

Ethan nodded at me and took James out, it was an odd thing to see him so stressed out. One thing about James is he likes helping anybody and everybody. When he can't, or he feels like he hasn't solved the problem it eats him from the inside out. That kid cares too much. But that's just the way he is.

I look at Ella, curled up in a ball - asleep. I can't help but giggle to myself.

'You weirdo.'

I was smiling like a mad man, I could feel it.

I scooped her up and carried her to my bed, placing her under the duvet. I tucked her in and lightly played with her hair checking she was definitely asleep. At peace. For once.

I decided it was best to let her sleep. The second I took my hand off her head her eyes bolted open and she started breathing heavily tears slowly flowing down her face, shocked was an understatement. From so calm to so worried and broken in a matter of seconds - was not normal or in any means okay.

Ethan's POV

I was talking to James having a much needed heart to heart.

'I don't get it. Why would you be so embarrassed about asthma? Makes no sister sense.'

I chuckled at James and received a light, fairy like punch to the arm in return.


I sarcastically retorted whilst rubbing my arm.

It was the moment James started to talk again that we could hear Gray repeating the same sentence we've heard one too many times.

'Ella what's wrong breath gorgeous, talk to me.'

Speed walking, or sister speed walking if you're James, we went into Grays room and saw a once again frantic Ella. This time, not hugging anybody - but trying to talk to us all.

'You can't..'

James POV

'We can't what babe?'

I'm smart but not smart enough for this young lass.

'Nobody can tell Emma she'll make me get my.. checked again and I don't want to do that because it's scary and they always say the same thing and I don't like it and she'll get mad at me and you can't you can't you no you can't okay.'

The three of us had the same wide eyes and slightly parted mouths listening to what our new best friend had to say. Ethan and Grayson began promising saying whatever made El happy they would do. But this sister, is a detective.

'Why did you stop? Check your what?'

Ethan gave me an angry look,


I rolled my eyes, ignoring E.

'You stopped, why? Checking your what? A..'

The second I said the word.

The A word.

The big old A word that everybody been too scared to mention,

Especially Ella,

You know,

The 7 letter A word?


Ethan ended my sentence before I even had the chance. Relief filled Ella's eyes as she nodded and started a very slow sentence,

'I don't like talking about it, it's annoying.'

Oh wait - did I say 7 letter A word?!? Sorry, I meant 6 letter. The only 7 letter A word I know is anxiety - and that, is not correct.

Ella doesn't have anxiety.

She has asthma.



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