Our New Home

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We get back to the house and decide to start packing our stuff, after hours and hours of packing we both passed out on my bedroom floor.

It is now 8 o'clock in the morning, I woke up Logan so we could finish packing and start putting things in the car. Logan is complaining the hole time, Its to early, I'm tired. Finally i said stop complaining or you wont move with me, he jumped pretty fast after i said that.

   We are at our new appartment, number 35. We get all our stuff out of the car and piled into the appartment. Then i hear my phone going off

1 new message.

From Richie Douche Bag Cousin

Where the hell did you go, all your shit i gone?

I moved out, I told you I was going to, and you didnt believe me, but i believe your girlfriend is waiting for you so you better go be with her.

I shove my phone back in my pocket and start carying box's upstairs, and told Logan to start unpacking the ones that belong down stairs. I get to the top of the steps and my phone ring again, i set the box down and check it, its Richie again

Look I know I was being a prick when I picked her side the other day, but you know how much i like her, i didnt mean to hurt you Gabby.

I'm your family Richie, you should have been on my side about it, but no you are in love with her, so go be with her.

I throw my phone on floor and pick the box back up and cary it into the room i want, even though we will probably end up shareing a room its nice to have two, for one as like a storage room, or guest bedroom. I then hear "We belong together, i cant sleep at night when you are on my mind" so i walk out of the room and pick up my phone and read "I know and I'm sorry, where did you move to?" as i was walking down the steps, i got to the bottom and started typing "I'm not" then I heard who are you texting, I look up to see Logan standing there and he looked pissed, i walked over to him and gave him a kiss, and said Richie. He smile and pulled me closer to him and kissed me, making me drop my phone i wrapped my arms around his neck, and he had his around my waist, we started making out when we heard a knock on the door, we both jumped, i grabed his hand and we both walked torwds the door, Logan opend the door, and there was this little girl standing there, awe she's so cute, she looked up at us and smiled.

Hello sweetie I'm Gabby whats your name?

With her sweet little voice she said I'm Sam, my daddy and I live next door, he leaves me alone all the time, i seen you guys bring your things in and tought i would come over and introduce myself.

Logan then buts in wait your like 4 and your dad leave you alone all the time thats some bull.. look back at him, crap came out of his mouth.

Yeah the little girl Sam said, when i dont listen to him, he slaps me and tells me to go to my room and doesnt feed me.

I look up at Logan thats so sad, when was the last time you ate sweetie

Last week, she said with a tear rolling down her face, then we here Samantha, I told you to not leave your damn room, I hurried up and picked the little girl up and she threw her arms around me and started to cry, i hid behind Logan with her, seeing that he was bigger then this little girls dad.

The man said give me my daughter, Logan pushed him back and said No, she is 4 years old and your going to treat her like a fucking teenager, thats some bullshit man, we are going to call child services, you dont deserve to have this child, wheres her mother anyway. 

The man looked at Logan and said she died during birth, Logan looked back at the man, well that isnt your daughters fault, you dont need to beat on her and shit, so fucking leave before i beat your ass.

As Logan is fighting with this guy, I'm on the phone with Children Services. A few minutes later they pull up and when they try to take Sam, she screams NO,and holds on to me, the lady from children services said that i would have to come with her to sign some papers to get cosidty of Sam. Sam, Logan and I follow the lady in our car to the Children Services Building.

When we got there, I went in a sighed the papers, she said that it would be $120.00 so i gave her the money. With Sam asleep on my lap, and holding Logan's hand the lady handed me everything i would need for Sam. Logan stood up and took Sam off my lap so i could get up, I shook the ladys hand and said Thank You, she smiled and nodded her head.

As we were getting in the car, I looked at Logan.

Lets go get our beds, and some stuff for her room, our room and the living room, and some food.

He nodded his head lets do it, gotta stop at the bank to get some money out first, how much you still got on you?

I have, i take out my wallet and start counting my money, $2,409 left,

Alright that should get us some stuff for her room, lets go to te bank ill get 5,000 out.

I kiss him on the cheek and we take off, in the back seat Sam wakes up, I look back there and she smiles at me, I look at her, you want to choose out a bed and stuff for you room?

She shakes her head yes and i smile at her. I then call up Marcus, and ask if we could paint one of our rooms then i explain to him about the little girl, since he was the manager, he said yes of cource you can but dont let anyone else in the appartments find out then everyone will want to.

I wont, Thank You so much. I turn around, so sweetie whats your favorite color, she looks at me Hot Pink, I smile mine to.

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