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"Am I really too young?" you pout, sitting next to Renjun who was silently reading a book given to him by his best friend, Chenle. "Too young for what?" Renjun sipped his milk, glancing at you, but instantly reverts his attention back to the book.

"You know! Baby making. I did my research and, Renjun, storks aren't real!" you whispered, making sure that Mark and the others can't hear. The 2 of you were currently in Renjun's dorm, with Renjun's 6 other friends hanging in the side. It's been about 4-5 years since you and Renjun knew each other. And pretty much 1 month since you've started "dating".

"Aigoo. Yah, even I don't research about dirty stuff like that. You're only a year younger than me and you're already filling your mind with corruption! That's bad." Renjun put his book down and flicked your forehead. "Ow!" you whined, holding your forehead. "Well it's about time you grow up! Who drinks milk, at your age?"

"It's because it's delicious and good for my health! And who makes babies, at your age?"

You pouted and crossed your arms, glaring at Renjun. He smirked. Clearly he won. Gulping down all of his milk, he continued reading his book.

For a long time, you've had feelings for Renjun, but being the dense girl you are, somehow you didn't notice Renjun all those years before. According to Donghyuck, Renjun has had feelings for you even before you met him. He was now about to become 17 and you were just 16, a year younger than him. Though you were born really early. 4-5 years of being friends, but you never knew that Renjun was that classmate who kept on staring at you secretly back then. Thinking about it, your heart beats. He knew the person you were so in love with was much more in love with you?

Eventually the 2 of you started "dating" when Renjun confessed his feelings for you (though Chenle forced him to) and you said that you felt the same. But there was never an official label for the 2 of you, just that you had mutual feelings for each other.

It's basically a some relationship. Just a little bit more upgraded.

You felt your face heating up as Renjun continued reading his book, but lay his head on your shoulder while reading. "Not here, Renjun. Stop, this is PDA, Mark oppa will scold us again.." you squirmed, flustered at his actions. "I don't care if they are here, I wanna be with you..," said Renjun, digging his face into your shoulders.

Looking at his book, you noticed that he was reading a bunch of poems, but they were in Chinese, so you couldn't understand them.

"Renjun, what do those poems mean?" you asked. Renjun chuckled and put the book away, holding your hand.

"You're the apple of my eye.
I'll never tell you a lie.
I'll always like you forever.
You do the same, and we'll live happily ever after.
Like a fairytale, you are my princess.
I'll be your prince, saving you from any mess.
Rather than the sunshine, I prefer your sweet, cute smile.
One day, will you walk down the aisle?"

You hit him on the shoulder out of surprise. You didn't expect him to say one whole poem, without reading, just reciting. Did he memorize all of that?

"Ouch! Yah, hahaha, why did you hit me?" he laughed, rubbing his shoulder. You try not to show your tomato-like red face but Renjun noticed it anyway. "Oh, you're blushing. Did you like it that much?" he giggled. You hit him again, embarrassed.

"How did you recite all of that? Was it from that book? When did you have time to memorize this?" you bombarded him with questions, curious. Renjun shook his head.

"No. That was all improv, I just thought about how I felt about you and expressed it in a poem." he winked, giggling after doing it. "Aigoo! Because of you, my heart is beating every day!" you whined, hitting him on the shoulder for the 3rd time.

"How many times did it beat today?"

"I don't even want to say!"

"How about one more time?"

You could feel your heart beat 1000x faster than before when Renjun suddenly leaned closer to your face, his lips almost touching yours. You closed your eyes. Was this it? Was this what could determine your label?

"Yah, naughty kids what are you doing there!" Donghyuck screamed, interrupting you and Renjun. You sigh in relief as Renjun leaned away and looked at his friends. You feel like you could've died if he went any further.

"Oh my god! They almost kissed!" Chenle started screaming his dolphin scream, jumping around. "I got a photo of that. New blackmail, Renjun." Jaemin stuck his tounge out, putting his phone away.

"YAH! YOU GUYS ARE EVIL!" Renjun stood up and started chasing Jaemin around, trying to steal his phone. But as the ruckus happened, you silently curled up your knees and hid your face in them.

A kiss.. well if it's an almost kiss, their label can't just be friends with mutual feelings, right?


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