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"OH. MY. GOSH!" you jumped around as you got a notice in your phone. Your best friend looked at you like you were crazy. "Yah! Y/N! Why are you screaming, people are looking at you, crazy girl!" she exclaimed. You happily did a little dance while waving your arms like a mental hospital patient.

"I just contacted some shaman website and asked about my love life, and they gave me details! Apparently he lives really near me, is an excellent dancer, and he's basically a full package! Kya!" you pinched her cheeks really hard, making her shriek.

"Ow, ow, OWWW! Y/N!" she yanked your hands off of her cheeks. "You really believe that stuff? Usually, they're a scam though!"

"Yah, this shaman website is really helpful! I checked the reviews in the comments, and they all say 'nice, it works!' literally! All of them!"

Your best friend just sighed and facepalmed. "Yah, you're already getting old and you're letting yourself get scammed. I feel so bad for you. If your phone has a virus, don't you dare complain to me!" she exclaimed. But you ignored her statement and just smiled like an idiot to yourself. Maybe this was it. Your chance.

Because for a long time you've been having hopeless crushes on people who never return your feelings. It wasn't that you were ugly or anything, but because it was always the wrong timing whenever you met the people you crush on.

You and your friend were currently in the mall, shopping since it was your best friend's cousin's birthday real soon. You've met her cousin when you were 8, but you barely remember what he looks like. Except what you do remember is that he loved to bully you a lot, and whenever you tried to tell your best friend or family, they'd just laugh and say he's playing. Well he wasn't playing at all because he even pulled a hair strand out of your head. Because of that you had a bald spot, and for 5 months your nickname has been "baldy" thanks to that little devil. You shuddered just by the memory of it. Nightmares.

Taking your mind off of the memory of her cousin that was almost Satan, you scanned the mall for anyone handsome and might fit the description given by those trusty shamans. Though there were a few gems everytime your eyes scanned the place, nobody just.. had that "feel". That feel like you've found the one. It's cheesy, but you were always a sucker for romance anyway.

Just then, one boy caught your attention. With jet black hair and a beautiful smile, your heart skipped a beat. You weren't sure if he was from here (but to be fair you never really go out of your house, only once in a blue moon do you go out) and if he was a full package or just a good dancer yet, but what you were SURE of, is that you had to talk to him. Right now.

"Hey, I think I see my cousin," said your best friend. Your happy thoughts were interrupted as she said that. Her cousin?! That little devil who called you baldy?! "You didn't tell me we were going to be meeting him!" you shrieked. "Yeah! This is just a coincidence, but we should still say hi! I mean you haven't seen him in 13 years-"

"Why should I see him?! He's not my cousin!" you complained. Your best friend just lightly hit your elbow, annoyed. "Yah, don't tell me you're still traumatized by that 'baldy' thing? Don't be. I swear he's gotten better now!" she assured you.

"How do you know that? He acts as an angel with you and his family, but definitely not with me!" you crossed your arms. "Look, all you have to do is hide those gifts we bought him and just say hi, then I'll do the rest!" your best friend told you.

".. really?"

"Yeah. And I doubt he'll remember you. It's been 13 years, okay! He has much more stuff to worry about."

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