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"Mark?" you knock on the door to Mark's room, but no response.

"Noona, I really don't know why, but Mark's been stuck in there for 3 hours now! I have to sleep too but I can't because he locked the door. Ever since he got home he just went straight in there without a word! Wow, it's like I'm invisible!" Donghyuck complained. You simply laughed and patted him on the head.

"How about you sleep with your Taeyong and Johnny hyung for now? These days too, I notice that Mark has been really moody and.. quiet," you said. But it's true. For the past few weeks Mark really hasn't been himself. He almost never talks, only when he needs something does he open his mouth. Not even a lame joke can come out of it. And no matter how many times you try to cheer him up, for some reason.. it just doesn't help him. You're starting to worry if there's something going on with him that he hasn't shared.

Donghyuck just pouted and nodded. "Arrasseo. But you better get him back to his previous self or I will continue bullying him for the rest of the week!" he said as he made his way to Taeyong and Johnny's room.

You took a deep breath and knocked again on Mark's door. "Minhyung? Minhyung-ah, are you alright in there?" you asked, but no answer. You tried knocking in the most annoying way possible so that he'd get annoyed and make a sound, but still, nothing.

As time passed by you started to become paranoid. What if something happened to him? What if you were being an idiot this whole time and didn't notice that something was wrong with your boyfriend? Overwhelmed by your thoughts, you found yourself banging on Mark's door. "Yah! Mark Lee, open the door, dang it!" you shrieked. But still, no sound from inside at all.

You cover your mouth and shook your head. No, no, it can't be.. he didn't.. commit suicide, right? You almost choked on your tears as you thought of all your memories with him. Thinking about it too, he has been a lot more stressed with his schedule the past few weeks, what if he just got tired of everything?

And you weren't there for him when he needed you the most.. to think about it like that, it hurts. More desperately, you kept banging on the door and calling out his name with utmost desperation. "Minhyung-ah! Mark! Please, let me in!" you cried, tears flowing down your cheeks.

He can't leave like this. Not without saying goodbye. Not without giving you more signs. Not without having his first kiss with you. Not without winning his first ever daesang. Not without.. without..

You sobbed as you dropped down on the floor, holding the door knob tight. No, he's not dead. He must be alive. This must just be your imagination.

And somehow, right then and there, the door knob twisted, and you opened the door.

Startled, you wipe your tears and stand up, peeking inside the room. No pills, no knives, no rope.. but there's Mark.

Your tears continued flowing as you saw your boyfriend sprawled out on his bed, sleeping with his blanket covering every inch him except for his eyes. He must've been so tired, and you weren't a good enough girlfriend to him. You should've comforted him more, talked to him more, and understand him more as his girlfriend. What have you been doing these past few weeks?

You held his hand firmly with your 2 hands, grasping them tight. Letting your tears drop unto the top of his palm, you quickly got yourself together and stopped crying, wiping your tears off of your face.

"Mark Lee. You idiot.. I seriously thought something bad happened to you, why haven't you been yourself for the past few weeks, huh? Don't just sit and keep your problems to yourself, why don't you tell me or your members?" you ranted to him, even though you knew he wasn't listening.

You checked his temperature and sighed in relief for he has no fever. No injuries either. Luckily, he's fine for the most part.

You lay your head on his chest, and his heart was still beating. Of course, why would it stop? You were worrying for nothing. Getting worked up all for nothing.. it's embarrassing. Donghyuck and the others must've heard you.

You got startled as you felt Mark slightly moving against his chest. You looked at him as he opened his eyes and saw you. He instantly got up upon the sight of you, pushing the blanket off of him. But he didn't let go of your hand.

"Y-Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?" Mark asked, trying to fix his messy bed hair. You didn't hesitate to hug him after his awakening.

"H-hey! Y/N.. why are you hugging me all of a sudden?" Mark stuttered, flustered. "Let's stay like this. I don't want to stop hugging you..," you muttered, arms still around him.

"Y/N.. what's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that, Mark. What is wrong?" you emphasized the is. Mark sighed, and hugged you back.

"So you knew, huh?" he asked. You shook hour head. "No, I just realized. I'm such a bad girlfriend.. you've been going through a hard time, and all I did was watch.."

"No, no, Y/N, that's not true! It's my fault that I didn't tell you or the hyungs.. things have just been so hard for me. I didn't want to make any of you worry," Mark stated.

"Idiot! Just by not saying anything, you're making us worry more! Do you know that?" you hit him on the back lightly. Mark laughed, and then just silently hugged you.

".. your eyes look really red. You must've cried a lot."

"Of course. I thought you committed suicide."

"Suicide? Pft. Well, not that far."

Mark sighed and kissed you on the forehead. "Can I cry now?" he asked. You nodded, caressing his cheek. "Please, cry all you want, Mark. I know that it must be hard for you.. to balance all of your schedules," you said, comforting him. Mark nodded and just lay his head on your shoulder, silently sobbing. Though you thought that your eyes ran out of tears, you started crying again after hearing your boyfriend cry.

After that night, Donghyuck managed to sleep with Mark in their room, and on the days afterward, Mark was back to his usual self.

Maybe you really were a better girlfriend now.


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